Time Out

If my life was an episode of Saved by the Bell (which I so wish it was), I would pull a Zack Morris and do a "Time Out" and everything would pause while I did everything I needed to do over the next month, and then I could just say "Time in" and everything would start back up again. Unfortunately, I feel a bit more like Jessie Spano singing "there's no time, there's never any time!". So to prevent a caffeine pill addiction from developing, I am going to just give ya'll a heads up that Stuff I Feed Brian will be on about a month hiatus while I pack and plan for and then go on my 3 weeks of consecutive trips. Hopefully someone else will be feeding Brian while I am gone, but he has gotten pretty good at feeding himself, so I may come home to a new blog called Stuff Brian Feeds Deanna Because She is a Slacker. Till then, happy gluten free eating :)

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