Saturday morning we drug ourselves out of bed early for the Lebanon sprint triathlon, Bill was competing and I set up my tribabe.com stand. Bill still isn't getting in the training time, although in preparation for this race he did a brick last weekend and on Friday he went to an open water swim. Other than bike commuting, he plays disc golf, and shows up 20 minutes late for our 1 hour swim class twice a week and that's it for his training. So when he crossed the finish line looking fresh this time I figured several people had beat him but no, he was 3rd overall. He was down only a minute or two on the race winner and he beat a few people who beat him at the last triathlon. So his genetics came through for him while the rest of us toil and suffer with actual training hours, he just breezes right on in. Fortunately he has a good attitude about all of it and doesn't gloat or get angry that he didn't win. I can't stand really intense people that trip out when they don't win their age group. I'm planning to write up race reports for Bill's Ironman journey from the many blow outs to going sub 10 in Kona. He has some great stories so I'll try to get a summary out of him and I'll scan pics to go with each race.
Anyway! We didn't get to see our Dutch bicycling friends again so hopefully they found a place to camp in the area, they were quite nice and I hope they enjoy their tour. How many people in their 50s take 3 months off to cycle from San Diego to Vancouver BC? Pretty cool!

We are planning a trip this weekend to camp along the Umpqua river with a big group of people. Last year it rained for most of the Memorial Day trip and I got really sick afterwards but I think the weather is better this year. We're headed south and east so the farther away from the coast and the more south we get the better the weather will be. There are 6 couples going and everyone has a dog so there will be total chaos and a doggie scrum from hell to contend with. Sounds fun to me! We have to come back early so Bill can do a triathlon on Monday here in Corvallis. The race director hasn't gotten back to me about being a vendor so hopefully I can get that secured so I don't have to sell hats out of my trunk in the parking lot. I'll do it if I have to though. ;)
Check out this dude's old school Softride and helmet! Sweet!
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