Picasa and Goggle Maps

I'm giving Picasa a test run, you download this Goggle software from the web and it organizes all of the photos stored on your computer and then allows you to easily upload them to an album on the web that you can share. It's easy to use, I've tried smugmug (best for sharing original pics), snapfish, kodak gallery, and flickr) and I like the Picasa interface however I don't to see way to download an original size pic from it (might need to upgrade to do that). It also works well with Google maps so you can pin point an area on the map and add a photo to that location. I'm starting to work on a map of the locations we've visited in Oregon (click link to see the first photos). I'll let you know when I'm done loading photos, another project for me to work on (ah!)

I'm getting excited to go camping this weekend, we have more couples coming now which means more dogs and kids. It looks like we'll have to get a group campsite and hope everyone survives the weekend. I'm already planning meals and packing in my mind, the first camping trip of the season always takes to most time to prepare for. We're also planning a trip down to Phoenix in early July after Bill graduates so we're starting to get ready for the future. Yeah! I love planning! Which is the opposite of Bill who apparently thinks planning is for weak minded people.

I am confirmed with the "Heart of the Valley triathlon" on Monday so Bill and I are both set for another triathlon. This will be #5 of the season for me and Bill's 3rd race. I get the impression from our triathlon crew of friends that they think we are out of touch with the sport because we aren't on the Ironman track this year. I'm enjoying the heck out of these local races and Bill just doesn't have time to train while pursuing his degree right now but we're definitely not out of touch with triathlon. I've gotten to know a lot of people by attending these events and it gives me a lot of fulfillment when people ask me when I'm racing next (I'm still a triathlete to them) and I just tell them I'm trying to get pregnant and so many people are supportive and share their stories with me. It's also brings me a lot of happiness to see people wearing my hats at events, some people will bring their friends over to me and try to sell my stuff to them. The triathlon community is pretty cool.

Back to dreaming about our camping trip along the Umpqua River (I pinpointed it on my google map (geek alert!)... From wikipedia: "The river is a popular destination for fly fishing and is renowned for emerald green waters and its summer steelhead activity, as well as for its salmon runs. Its summer steelhead fishery is considered one of the best on the West Coast. Moreover, the river is known for its high concentration of native steelhead relative to the fishery stock. It is also a popular but challenging destination for whitewater rafting."

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