HoHos are essential to life

I think life is too short to completely abstain from sugar so I'm allowing myself one small treat a day but still staying away from juice and soda and other non-essential sugar laden items. HoHo's are essential, as are Newman's Chocolate Filled Cookies. I'm going to pack my treats for camping in a location that Bill can't find so I'm assured chocolately goodness whilst enjoying our riverside campsite.
While I'm admitting to failure: I haven't played the guitar in over two months. My fingernails are grown out and the callouses are gone. I had been borrowing a friend's guitar and wanted to return it to her before she got irritated with me and I haven't made it to the music store yet. We're trying not to spend money until Bill gets a job, but still, an entry level guitar is ~$100 so I'm really just making excuses. At least I have my HOHOS!
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