Since I'm not pregnant like I wanted to be by now I'm taking my mountain bike with us camping and hitting the trails. I know there is some good mtn biking around the Umpqua River but I'm not quite sure where it is so hopefully we'll figure it out. I'll take it easy so I don't crash and kill myself but if my ovaries aren't going to cooperate with me then I'm riding my sweet Jamis in the woods. My bike is a steel frame hard tail and I love the way it rides but I want a full suspension so as soon as Bill gets a job and I get done being knocked up then I'm getting a new ride and Bill can have my old one. He keeps threatening to race Xterras (off road triathlons) on his 15 year old commuter bike that has no suspension at all so Mr. Cheapy Cheap Pants will inherit my old bike, he's not that much taller than me. Ouch huh!?! Do not feel sorry for him, he's so stubborn he probably won't even ride my bike when I'm done with it.
The funny farm is in full effect again, Cassie is still on house arrest and she must be bored because lately she's taken to watching us shower. She leaps to the top of the shower door and sits up there peering in while we shower. Try shampooing your hair while a cat is watching your every move, looking like she wants to pounce on you. I shouldn't be writing about this, we're looking for a house sitter while we are in Phoenix the first week of July and I'll never find one if people know how strange our animals are!
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