Should we call her Paris or Cassie Hilton?

I was having a bad day yesterday and decided that the only way to fix it was to sit on the couch as soon as I got home from work and finish the book I was reading. But first, I better go water the flowers on the deck as they were looking parched from the afternoon sun. I wasn't out there more than a few seconds when I heard a very desperate MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW!!!!! There's a kitty crying near our neighbors house so I ran through our house and around the block and guess who is standing there but Cassie aka Baby Girl aka Cous Cous aka To To Toots aka Sugar Cookie Fleck!

Five days that cat has been missing, we put up 40 flyers in our neighborhood, visited the animal shelter, and searched high and low for her and somehow she found her way home. I snatched her up quickly and ran her inside the house where she will stay indefinitely. She was still meowing up a storm so we fed her and she ate like a cat who has been starved. Marshall dog came in and sniffed her and then let her eat some of his dog food. Ms. Kitty licked her face and then went back to bed.

So the funny farm is back in business. I'll stop moping around and will enjoy having our little sweetheart home. She's acting a little crazy, she's still meowing a lot and she jumped into the shower with me this morning so I think she might need some rehab time. Ah, it feels so good to be talking crazy again!

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