Buckwheat Rhubarb Cobbler Recipe - Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Cane Sugar Free

So I had recently been seeing a lot of rhubarb as an ingredient in the baby food of the lil booger I nanny for, and it got me curious. I really don't think that I had ever had rhubarb before, nor did I even know what it looked or might taste like. When I saw a sign in front of pinkish celery looking stalks that said "rhubarb" at the market the other day, I knew I had to try it.

Having no clue what to do with rhubarb, I looked up rhubarb cobbler, rhubarb pie, and rhubarb crumple recipes. I got the gist pretty quickly - slice thinly and cover or cook and then do whatever else you would to a typical cobbler, crumble or pie. I decided that I wanted to make my first rhubarb recipe as naturally gluten and dairy free as possible. So I pretty much only took the "slice and bake" part out of the recipes I read and did my own thing - which I have decided to call Buckwheat Rhubarb Cobbler, but I could just as well call it buckwheat and rhubarb baked concoction. Whatever you want to call it, it turned out yummy and was super easy to make.

Buckwheat Rhubarb Cobbler Recipe - Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Sugar Free version

Gluten Free Rhubarb Buckwheat Cobber - with yogurt on top!
1 cup buckwheat groats soaked for about 30 minutes
1/2 cup brown rice flour
1 tsp baking powder
6 tbs honey*
2 tbs coconut oil
1 tbs chia seeds stirred into 8 tbs water to make chia gel
4-6 stalks of rhubarb sliced thinly (about 2 cups)
1/2 tsp lemon zest
*for a vegan option replace honey with maple syrup or agave

Dairy Free Rhubarb Buckwheat Cobbler
  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees. If using solid coconut oil, scoop a teaspoon of the coconut oil onto a glass casserole dish that has a lid.  (About 8"x8" or a 9" diameter round dish is good.). Place in the warming oven for a couple minutes to liquefy the oil and then tilt the pan to grease the dish. 

  • Place your chopped rhubarb in the baking dish and mix gently with the lemon zest, 1 tablespoon of honey, and about 3 tbs of water. 

  • Mix together your gluten free flour and baking powder in a bowl. 

  • Drain the soaked buckwheat. Mix together the buckwheat, chia gel and 1 tbs liquefied coconut oil. 

  • Mix the dry ingredients with the wet ingredients as well as some cinnamon and the remaining honey. 

  • Plop your buckwheat mixture on top of the rhubarb and cover. Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes. Then lower the temperature to 350 degrees, uncover the dish, and bake for about 30 more minutes or until golden brown on top. 

  • While this is a great, naturally sweetened dessert, I also justified eating leftovers for breakfast because buckwheat and fruit are both breakfast foods. Tasted great with yogurt on top!

Shared on The Gluten Free Homemaker's Gluten Free Wednesdays Carnival featuring gluten free fruit desserts. 

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