Friday Dose of Cute:Celebrating Six Years of Farmgirl Fare

Bottoms Up Hens - Farmgirl Fare
Bottoms up!

Wow. Six years. It's hard to believe it's been that long already, yet at the same time, it's hard for me to remember what life was like during the five years I lived on this farm before I started blogging—and carrying my camera everywhere.

This is my 2,038th post. There are another 297 posts on In My Kitchen Garden. The Daily Doses of Cute (which are almost appearing daily!) have passed the 500 mark.

I've taken tens of thousands of photos and am now on my fourth digital camera, which still spends nearly all of its time on the auto setting. I finally have a Recipe Index. And an About page. And a FAFQs page. And so many donkey photos (and donkeys!) that in February I started The Daily Donkey.

In the past six years, my two little blogs have had over four million visitors.


I titled my very first Farmgirl Fare post An Unexpected Beginning, and I had no idea how true that would turn out to be. In it, I mention that I looked up the word unexpected in my thesaurus and this is what it said: surprising, unforeseen, sudden, stunning, eye-opening, astonishing, astounding, amazing, breathtaking.


When I posted the 100th Daily Farm Photo on September 18th, 2005 (which is still one of my favorites), I looked up the word amazing: astonishing, fascinating, stunning, shocking, wonderful, surprising, bewildering, prodigious, awesome, unbelievable, astounding, incredible, marvelous.


My life has changed in so many unexpected and amazing ways during the past six years.

I'm grateful to all of you for choosing to spend time here, and for your comments and feedback and kind words. I know some of you have been around since the beginning!

I'm grateful to the sponsors who choose to advertise on my blogs, and to the BlogHer Publishing Network for helping to make that happen.

I'm grateful to all of you who take the time to start your shopping trips by clicking on a Farmgirl Fare or In My Kitchen Garden link first (like to a book or product I've recommended), including that little black amazon logo that's always over in the right sidebar of any Farmgirl Fare page. When you do, we receive a small percentage of the sale, at no cost to you, no matter what you end up buying.*

Every little bit helps, and your support really makes a difference. It allows me to spend 30 to 40+ hours a week blogging. It allows me to spend more time taking pictures, telling stories, creating recipes, and meeting people around the world. It allows me to work at something I love doing.

It also helps keep the farm going.

Thank you. For everything.

Here's to another six years!

I'd love to stay and reminisce, but I have to go out in the blazing heat and help pick up hay.

* Thanks to Lorna for asking if she can start shopping through a Farmgirl Fare amazon link and then purchase items already on her amazon wish list. Yes! As long as they aren't already in your shopping cart, they will count. Thanks so much!

©, where your input is my blogging guide. What do you love the most? What would you like to see more of? Less of? Any comments, suggestions, requests? I can't wait to hear from you. Just leave a comment below, chime in on the Farmgirl Fare Facebook page, or e-mail me: farmgirlfare AT gmail DOT com.

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