Spreadable Dairy Free Almond Cheese Recipe

This makes a nice spreadable cheese that can be used alone as a dip or in recipes. This was a perfect cream cheese/sour cream replacement in 5-layer taco dip! Plus, - the bonus byproduct of this recipe is almond milk!

Almond Cheese Spread used in 5-layer dip
Almond Cheese Spread Recipe
1 cup almonds, soaked, rinsed and drained
4 cups purified water
2 tbs olive oil
Juice of 1 lemon
1/4 cup tomatoes, diced
1/4 cup green onion, diced
1/4 cup onion, diced
1/4 cup rice flour
salt, cumin, crushed red pepper, onion powder, garlic powder

In blender combine water and almonds until well blended and milky. Strain liquid into a bowl through a cheese cloth-lined strainer (or the best thing ever for this is to use a mesh paint strainer bag - its easy and less messy!). Put pulp back in blender along with 1/4 cup of the milk. (And YAY the rest you get to keep as almond milk for anything!) Blend nuts and milk as fine as possible and add to a small pot along with all remaining ingredients. Heat at medium heat fror about 5-10 minutes, stirring regularly. You could serve this raw by omitting the flour and not heating. Just mix ingredients well and refrigerate to infuse flavors. Also, you can use different spices based on what you are serving it with. Try more mediterranean herbs and serve with veggie sticks or pita chips, try cinnamon and nutmeg and serve with apple slices. The base is pretty versatile. 

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