Sweet 'n Spicy Fresh Corn Salsa Recipe

Sweet 'n Spicy Raw Corn Salsa
Fresh corn on the cob has started to make it's big appearance in the grocery stores here in Boulder, so i jumped on the opportunity to get some. Corn on the cob always makes me feel like summer - mmm  bbqs, hot sunny days, long summer nights! So although the weather hasn't been consistently summerish yet, this corn was consistently delicious and nostalgic. Try this fun and festive recipe to enjoy your own bite of summer. The spice from the peppers and the sweet from the corn and honey make this side dish into an instant fiesta. This is a great gluten free, dairy free, vegetarian, raw side dish to take to any bbq or picnic.

Sweet 'n Spicy Fresh Corn Salsa Recipe
Beautiful colors and flavors!


3 stalks of corn on the cob, husked and cleaned
1/2 serrano pepper finely chopped (leave this out if you don't like spice...and wash your hands with soap after handling!)
3 tbs diced onion
1 tomato diced
Juice of 1 lemon
1 avocado diced
2 tbs chopped fresh basil (I would have usually used cilantro but all I had was basil and it was spectacular)
2 cloves of garlic minced
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
1-2 tbs raw unfiltered honey (omit or replace with other sweetener for a vegan version)
1/2 tsp salt

A perfect side dish with chips or on its own eaten like a salad
"Shave" the corn off the cob by holding corn upright and firmly slicing straight down. It's best to do this into a wide bowl as the corn kernels will scatter a bit.  Add the rest of your ingredients and combine well in a bowl. Cover directly with plastic wrap to prevent oxygen from turning the avocado brown, and let marinate in the fridge for an hour.
Now where's that tequila?

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