Gluten Free, Vegan Pumpkin Curry with Rice

Goodness gracious, I have such a backlog of recipes to share. Things have been really busy over here, and I have not had a spare moment to post in a while. I went all out with the whole "new year, new you" theme and started a whole new life in 2012. While I am still doing grant writing for CCC part time, I also just started a full time Culinary Arts Certificate Program with the San Diego Community College district, began teaching kids dance classes twice a week, and am taking modern dance and ballet twice a week through the community college as well.

Unfortunately, my evening classes alternate perfectly with Brian's evening tutoring schedule. Which means, I haven't been feeding Brian exceptionally well lately. Let's just say that the endless supply of lettuce in our front and back yards has been going to good use. I have, however, made it into the kitchen here and there, and have quite a few kitchen experiments (like roasted winter veggies, gluten free/vegan eggplant lasagna, and a million ways to serve lettuce, ha) that I would love to share as soon as I have some time to type.

Till then, here is a recipe I had jotted down a couple weeks ago and just now am getting around to sharing. It is perfect for the dwindling variety of vegetables that this point in the winter results in, and is a great comfort food recipe for a stormy night like tonight.

Pumpkin Curry with Rice - Gluten Free, Vegan Recipe
1/2 onion, diced coarsely
3-4 cloves of garlic minced
1 tbs minced ginger
1 small hot pepper minced (cayenne, jalepeno, habenero, etc)
1 medium sized pie pumpkin or orangey squash of your choice (red kuri, kabocha, butternut, acorn, etc)
1/4 to 1/2 tsp each of cumin, tumeric, salt, and pepper or 1 tsp curry powder or more to taste

Steam saute the onions, garlic, ginger, and hot pepper in a large pan with 1/4" deep water.
Peel and cube the pumpkin or squash (peeling a pumpkin is kinda annoying, right?)
Add the pumpkin to the sauteed spices and sprinkle with salt, pepper, cumin, and tumeric
Saute for a minute and then just cover with liquid (water or vegetable broth) and bring to a boil.
Reduce to a simmer and cook uncovered until reduced by about 1/2 and the pumpkin is tender.
Pour 3/4 of the veggies and liquid in a blender and puree (you can puree all of it if you want it all smooth but leave some chunks if you like a few bites of pumpkin like I do).
Pour back into the pan, stir and simmer about 1 minute more.
Serve over steamed brown rice or quinoa.

This comes out surprisingly smooth even without the addition of cream or coconut milk like you might usually do. Also, to add some fat to this meal, you can saute the spices in the beginning in 1-2 tbs of coconut oil or olive oil, or drizzle some on top when you serve it. You could also just drizzle oil on the rice before topping with the pumpkin mix. I'm always looking for ways to replenish the Brian's calories after his runs without sending myself up a pant size, and adding the oil to his serving is usually my go-to technique.

Hope this recipe finds you nice and cozy on such a winter's day.

Shared on The Gluten Free Homemaker's Gluten Free Wednesdays

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