Roasted Sweet Potato Apple Casserole with Wild Rice Recipe - Gluten Free, Vegan

rainy window
We've had such a wet year here in San Diego - rain almost every weekend, and now waking up to a wet misty fog. It is great for our little "OB Farm" which has been nonstop pumpin' out enough lettuce to feed the whole city. Our broccoli, kale, and brussel sprouts have also enjoyed the rain, but have been under siege by swarms of aphids. We've decided it's time to surrender to the aphids and give up on these winter crops to prepare the soil for spring and summer.

storms make great sunsets

the ladies
Luckily, in preparing for the arrival of our new roommates, 5 beautiful hens (whom Jen has given delightful Spanish names to, of which I cannot yet pronounce or spell), we discovered that our compost pile (which I thought was not even composting) actually has given birth to tons of beautiful rich soil. So, for the next few weeks, most of the back garden will be under reconstruction as we revive it with fresh compost (is that an oxymoron?), but the front should be providing the first round of spring treats soon enough (beets, chard, onions, carrots, kale, broccoli, turnips, and fava beans).


rainy backyard garden

In the mean time, our dinners will be courtesy of People's market and Trader Joe's, and less from the garden. Luckily our roommate Adam has been bringing us crates of the BIGGEST APPLES on the planet. It seriously took me 25 minutes to eat one the other day because it was so big. And while I love them as a snack, I thought I'd switch it up and roast them in dinner too. So without further ado, here comes a recipe for Roasted Sweet Potato and Apple with Wild Rice - Gluten Free and Vegan of course :)

Roasted Sweet Potato and Apples with Wild Rice
Roasted Sweet Potato 'n Apple Ingredients:
2 cups of sweet potato, peeled and cut in 1/2" cubes
2 cups of apple, cut in 1/2" cubes
1/3 cup of orange juice, fresh squeezed (luckily the orange tree is still flourishing)
1/4 cup raisins, rehydrated by soaking in boiled water
1 tsp honey
1 4" sprig of fresh rosemary
2 tbs olive oil
dash of cinnamon
Salt to taste
1/4 cup almonds, coarsely chopped

Wild Rice Ingredients:
3:1 water to rice ratio (1/4 cup of dry wild rice is a serving so I made 2 cups dry wild rice cooked in 6 cups water)
1 tbs olive oil
1/4 tsp salt

Thoroughly wash the wild rice and place in a pot with a lid along with the water (I recommend going heavier than lighter on the water as you can drain it out later because wild rice is cooked, not steamed).
Bring to a boil and then reduce to a simmer.
Add the oil and salt, cover, and cook for about 45 minutes or until at least 90% of the grains are cracked.
Drain excess water and set aside with the lid on until ready to serve.
While the rice is cooking, prepare the roasted sweet potato and apple.
Preheat oven to 375.
Place a 13x9 casserole dish in the oven while it's preheating for a couple minutes and then remove.
Squeeze orange juice in a bowl and toss the apples in it.
Then add the oil, cinnamon, honey, and then diced sweet potatoes, (if your honey is thick, mix it in with the orange juice first), and dash of salt (just a dash and you can add more later to taste). Toss thoroughly.
Bake for 20 minutes, toss lightly, then return to the oven.
Meanwhile, re-hydrate your raisins and chop your almonds.
When the sweet potatoes are fork tender, mix in the raisins and top with the almonds and return to the oven until the almonds are lightly toasted (about 5-10 minutes depending on your oven).
Salt to taste and serve alongside or on top of the wild rice.

side dish of garlicky yellow wax beans
Adam helped out again on the side course, sharing some extra yellow wax beans. I just tossed these in olive oil and minced garlic and salt and baked them for about 15 minutes covered, then sprinkled with some bread crumbs from 1 slice of gluten free bread chopped up and baked uncovered for about another 10 minutes or until the bread is toasted.
dessert for my love - rice cake with homemade rasberry sorbet and cacao sauce
Oh and I suppose I should also introduce you to our new neighbors - two lovely goats Fauna and Flora (who was and ever shall be in my book named Madonna). Can't wait for goat's milk, yogurt, and cheese come summer!!!
Rachel, Andrew, Nick & Emily's goats

Have a great weekend! We're off to Arizona to celebrate Brian's dad's birthday :)

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