Its swimming time!

I'd been contemplating the idea of getting into water and flap my hands and legs for long.....but something inside stopped me from going ahead. Let me tell you I'd learned this art way back as a kid. Then one of my uncles used to take me to the swimming pool and however petrified I was he used to push me into the cold water in hot summers without my knowledge and back then I used to scream and plead to various Gods to stop this torture. But slowly, I learnt how to swim !
But then u know it was really really long time back.....and even though its a common belief that people never forget swimming/cycling in their lives I would like to believe I'm one of those persons who turned this belief into a misconception.
So here I was for my first day of swimming lessons in the nearby swimming pool. As soon as I entered into the pool, the familiar smell of chlorinated water filled my nostrils and  I was excited like a kid again. Even though I got some bruises and cuts on my first day (thanks to the condition of the muncipal pool and my loooong legs which had special affinity of hitting the ground), but it was a good session. Today is my fourth day of session and I'm already practising free style swimming across the breadth of the pool !
I would recommend every person to try this atleast once since it can be life saving in dire situations plus its fun to get a great body shape skipping the usual boring gym sessions. :)
And you get to wear such pretty costumes.....who wouldn't love it ..... :P

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