Spicy Tangy Tomatillo Salsa

garden fresh tomatillos
I love salsa, but whenever I see salsa verde somewhere, I'm all over it...or actually it's all over my food...and sometimes me. I love the tangy taste of tomatillos. Sometimes, however, salsa verde can go in a bad direction (in my opinion) with a bunch of sugar. But, the good salsa verdes are the ones with lots of spicy peppers and tangy tomatillos. Lucky for us, tomatillos, jalepeno peppers, and habenero peppers are hangin' out all over our garden lately. In cleaning up the absurdly overgrown tomato and tomatillo cluster that had taken over nearly a quarter of our garden, I found TONS of perfectly ripe tomatillos ready to become salsa verde. (I also noticed that tomatillos are a huge hit in critter land as they got to quite a bunch of them before we did).

So here's a super simple recipe for making gluten free, sugar free, spicy, homemade salsa verde or what I like to call tangy tomatillo salsa (because tomatillo is just such a fun word to say).

Spicy Tangy Tomatillo Salsa - gluten free, sugar free
jars of garden fresh tomatillo salsa
3 cups tomatillos
1 cup water
2 jalapeno peppers
1 habanero peppers
1/2 lemon juiced
1/2 cup diced onion
3-4 cloves garlic
1/4 cup chopped cilantro

1. De-husk and wash your tomatillos.
2. Place the tomatillos in a deep pan or wide pot. Just cover with water (about 1 cup) and bring to boil.
3. Reduce to a simmer and cook for about 5 or so minutes.
4. Loosley chop up your peppers and onion and add to  tomatillos along with the lemon juice and garlic.
5. Put all ingredients in the food processor and pulse until well blended. Then pulse in cilantro and salt to taste.
Salsa verde goes great on vegan tacos!
6. Let cool and use as a dip or topping. I used it yesterday with my walnut based, meatless tacos
 (although I made the taco "meat" without mushrooms because I was all out)

*Note: I added a regular tomato to the jar shown in the pictures to bulk it up and serve more, which is why it is a bit more of a reddish brown salsa versus a green salsa. 

Since we still have many tomatillos left, I am going to try fire roasting them next, and I'll let you know how it goes.

Roasted salsa verde
I tried roasting the tomatillos with garlic and onion and habanero peppers tossed in a little olive oil and roasted at 425 for about 20-30 minutes. I think I like the roasted flavor better, but its a close call. The only thing was that the habenaro peppers were CRAZY SPICY so I had to mellow them out with some yellow heirloom tomatoes. Here is batch #2.

Shared on Melt in Your Mouth Mondays and Make a Foodie Friend Mondays and From Mess Hall to Bistro's Made From Scratch Tuesdays and the Healthy Home Economist Monday Mania and 33 Shades of Green Tasty Tuesdays

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