Camping Recipes for the Grill

I am in love with the grill my parents gave me for my birthday last summer. It's a portable Weber but big enough to use for a backyard bbq. So any opportunity to use my sweet love is a great one. After a very cold winter, we took full advantage of the first signs of spring (and Brian's spring break) and went camping.

By recommendation of our roommate, we spent an amazingly relaxing weekend at Valley View Hot Springs, about 4 hours south of Boulder. There were about 5 natural hot springs overlooking views of the valley and snow capped mountains, as well as a heated hot tub and sauna. But there is turned out to my surprise to be a "clothing optional" property...and apparently everyone but me and about one other girl opted for the full monty!

So after an invigorating and relaxing day of soaking...the time had come for a reunion with my summer love. The first night's menu was pretty simple since we didn't get around to making dinner till about 8pm. We enjoyed oil-free mixed veggies tossed in lemon, crushed red pepper, and garlic. Brian gave me this super awesome grilling basket which is the most amazing grilling accessory. All I did was toss em in the basket and heat on medium heat, for about 10-15 minutes, tossing a couple times. The veggies were paired with grilled sweet potato slices...which apparently missed their usual oil coating and turned out dry and burnt in parts :( I think if I mixed them in with the veggies the moisture of the other veggies and the protection of the veggie basket would have solved this problem.

Best part though....GRILLED BANANAS for dessert! Woohoo! Just slice a banana in half and throw on the grill at medium heat, turning once after about 5 minutes. I put cinnamon on top of the banana too, just because Brian loves cinnamon. Got a little carried away with the kiwi slices, but hey, camping is a dorky fun past time anyway.

Following dinner we enjoyed the giant full moon and the toasty sauna to warm us up before a cold night in the upper 20's! I got a bit crazy taking pictures of Super Moon, but here are a few highlights.

On Sunday (after Brian went for a 1 1/2 hour run on the trails and I packed up our tent and gear) we headed off for a hike in the pleasant sunshine. The trail promised a destination of a BAT CAVE! Had to try it out. Unfortunately, it is not bat season, but we did visit the huge cave that was created when a mine caved in, exposing entry to a crazy network of tunnels. All of this was blocked off for safety, but we enjoyed a picnic lunch in front of the cave, sheltered from the crazy strong winds that we've now come to know as a Colorado staple. I found veggies and squash hummus to be a super simple hikers lunch. Added bonus...before I left I made the hummus with sun-dried tomatoes! (one of brian's fav's). It was delicious and refreshing. Oh yeah...and I made flax crackers before leaving too, which worked as a great gluten free hiking and camping snack.

Veggies and sundried tomato hummus 

Mexi-style Grilled Portabello Mushrooms 
We hit the hot tub and sauna one more time when we got back. And then enjoyed a delicious dinner of  grilled portabello mushrooms topped with grilled bell pepper, onion, and tomato slices and guacamole. On medium heat, I grilled the portabellos straight on the grate with a little lemon juice. Meanwhile the peppers sizzled in the awesome veggie basket, tossed with lemon juice, cayenne, garlic, and CRP. After 5 minutes on each side I put the mushrooms on top of the veggies and heated the sprouted corn tortillas in their place for a few minutes on each side. Meanwhile,  Brian prepared some dehydrated beans which we brought in case we decided to backpack in to a site. Threw all that together and what a colorful camping meal to close out a weekend of outdoors, naturalism, and relaxation.

Click here for more pictures from our trip

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