Tuesday Dose of Cute: Farmgirl Fare on Facebook
Are you on Facebook? I recently started announcing each new Farmgirl Fare and In My Kitchen Garden post on the Farmgirl Fare Facebook page, so now it's even easier to keep up with what's happening on the farm.
You can also subscribe to the Farmgirl Fare RSS feed or receive each Farmgirl Fare post via e-mail (your e-mail address will never be used for anything else).
And on most days, I remember to announce new posts on Twitter. New posts on In My Kitchen Garden (my organic garden blog) are announced on Twitter here.
No matter how stay connected, we're happy that you do!
The Daily Donkey 45: Dan Connecting with His Lunch
© FarmgirlFare.com, pink-tongued and slowly but surely joining the social circle and catching up with technology.
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