Split Pea Soup and Walnut Raisin Salad

I'm usually not a fan of soup. But, unfortunately this dry, cold Colorado air has given me a cold, so I thought some warm soup and nutritious salad might help. Brian agreed...as if Brian disagrees with any food I proposition him with. Split pea soup is a good soup for non-soup lovers because of it fullness and non-watery texture. I made mine thick, but you can add more water if you like it soupier.

Yellow Split Personality Pea Soup
1 cup of dry yellow split peas
4 stalks of chard
Spices: S&P, garlic

Add 2 cups of water to 1 cup of split peas in a medium sized pot. Bring to boil, reduce to a simmer, add spices and cook for about an hour, stir occasionally so the peas don't stick to the bottom. When water is nearly all absorbed, add copped chard. When you have a nice thick mush goin', your ready. Easy Peasy!

During that hour of cooking, make up the salad and enjoy it while you wait.

I Heard it Through the Grapevine Walnut Raisin Salad
Shout out to all my california raisins

As much baby spinach as you can handle
2 thinly cut slices of onion, cut in half and separated
1 cup of raisins (just raisins, no added sugar or preservatives)
1 cup walnuts
1/4 cucumber cut in thin slices
3 green onions chopped
1/2 Lemon
Olive Oil

Lightly toast walnuts in toaster oven for a few minutes (optional). In a large bowl add spinach and S&P, squeeze on juice of half a lemon, add a teentsy bit of olive oil. Toss lightly and add remaining ingredients.

With a foggy, stuffed-up brain, I am lacking much energy in the kitchen, yet this felt effortless. Top it off with some Lemon Ginger Tea with Honey if you feel like I do. And/or top it off with Dark Chocolate Coconut Bliss ice cream like I actually did. All organic, natural ingredients, no refined sugar, gluten free, dairy free, guilt free, and taste and texture full!! Seriously the best treat possible on a vegan diet, and boo-yah it's good for you too! That's right, I found a way to eat chocolate :)

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