(Cassie helping me blog) Yesterday was crazy, I was busy at work all day, then designed a banner for the tribabe.com booth, walked the dog, went to dinner at a friends and then did inventory on my products and prepared a bunch of stuff for embroidery before finally getting in bed at 10pm. I decided that I'm going to be too busy this week and that I need a stress break NOW so I recruited my pal Sarah and we're going to get pedicures on our lunch break. It was the one thing I could think of to do that would relax me without putting me to sleep or stressing me out even more. When I told Bill, "I'm getting a pedicure on my lunch break." He stopped, stared blankly, and then said absolutely nothing.

Bill has been a college student for 85% of our relationship (this is his 2nd master's degree) so the word pedicure does not compute to him with his student budget. So I helped him along and said, "You hope I enjoy it and that I find it relaxing." He said, "yes, yes, I hope you have a good time." and he walked off in stunned silence. School will be done in two weeks and let me tell ya, it can't get here soon enough. I don't know that starting off our first year of marriage together with an intensive MBA program was the most romantic choice for us but he's almost done so I expect more romance soon. Speaking of romance, the fertility drug has been alright, I'm warm today and slightly moody (see above paragraph) but no one has been harmed yet in this experimental hormonal treatment. Although Bill does seem strangely quiet.
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