I am always starving after swimming and noticed in my swimming class that some swimmers work out regularly but don't seem to lose their extra body weight. According to the study quoted below it could be that swimming in cool water increases appetite where biking or running makes you hot and could decrease appetite.
So the key is to not pig out after a great workout in the pool. Not so easy for me because I can smell Carl's Jr burgers grilling when I leave the pool bldg. That makes me even more hungry! mmmm burgers!
Research published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine shows that in the absence of a controlled diet, swimming has little or no effect on
weight loss [1].
Professor Grant Gwinup compared three exercise programs for three months. Each program began with up to 10 minutes of daily exercise. The length of each workout was increased by five minutes every week. • Test subjects following the walking program lost 17 pounds of weight
during the three-month study. • Those following the cycling program lost 19 pounds of weight. • However, subjects following the swimming program actually gained 5 pounds.
Assuming that all three groups burned a similar number of calories, the swimmers must have compensated by eating more. "Presumably," speculates Professor Gwinup, "swimming in cold water stimulates the appetite to increase caloric consumption."
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