Insane Increase in Food Allergies...Frustrations of a Celiac
I really don't like to complain about having Celiac Disease, because really for 85% of the time it is fine...great even. But, for that 15% of life that is spent in social eating environments, being a Celiac just flat out sucks. I love all of the delicious foods that eating gluten free has introduced me to. I love that not being able to eat gluten means I also can't eat fast food and a lot of other tempting junk food. And, I love that having to search through ingredient lists has opened my eyes to all of the junk that goes into today's food...but now that I am awakened to it..I love that it is not going into my belly.
It is unfortunate, however, the circumstances that I had to come into that awakening. I suffer from ongoing health problems, which are likely causing permanent damage to my body, because every time I eat out at a restaurant or a friend's house, somehow gluten makes its way into my food. Whether the cook just isn't knowledgeable of what all contains gluten or if it was just a matter of cross contamination on a counter surface or cooking utensil, it still makes me sick for weeks with various symptoms - from asthma to blisters to narcolepsy, night sweats and night terrors to bloating and discomfort. And every time I start to feel better again, I enter into another social eating situation that results in me getting sick. On top of that I also get random allergic reactions to things like certain fresh fruits and nuts and certain shellfish.
This is not the way people are meant to go through life. It's not ok that almost every kid in a classroom these days has some sort of food allergy or intolerance. And it is not any coincidence that there has been an insane increase in food allergies and developmental disabilities like autism and ADHD since the rise of processed foods, additives, and GMO foods. I personally have no desire to have a child, because I don't want them to live such a limiting and uncomfortable life. That's crazy that I feel that way, because it just shouldn't be that way. We should be able to trust that when we buy a carrot, the only ingredients in that carrot are the ones God put into it. Those are the ingredients our bodies were designed to eat - not the pesticides and chemicals added to it.
Brian posted a great article on this subject on his ultrarunning website. The reason Stuff I Feed Brian is mostly vegan is because he is in the middle of trying to figure out what food allergy or intolerance he has developed that causes him to suffer from digestive distress. But I guarantee whatever it is that he figures out is causing the problem, isn't the real root problem. I'm sure his and mine and most other people's reactions are rooted in the chemicals and GMO ingredients that have messed up our bodies to the point that we can't even eat regular wholesome food that has been nourishing humans for centuries.
It's all so frustrating, but the only thing we can do is pay attention to what we are eating and what we are feeding our kids. It's hard to know what to trust anymore, but being vigilant of our food sources is the best thing we can do to protect ourselves. And speaking up and spreading the word is the best thing we can do to protect our loved ones and our future society. If you want to learn more about the statistics of what is going down, watch this video in which Robyn O'Brien gives a clear and brief introduction to the matter:
It is unfortunate, however, the circumstances that I had to come into that awakening. I suffer from ongoing health problems, which are likely causing permanent damage to my body, because every time I eat out at a restaurant or a friend's house, somehow gluten makes its way into my food. Whether the cook just isn't knowledgeable of what all contains gluten or if it was just a matter of cross contamination on a counter surface or cooking utensil, it still makes me sick for weeks with various symptoms - from asthma to blisters to narcolepsy, night sweats and night terrors to bloating and discomfort. And every time I start to feel better again, I enter into another social eating situation that results in me getting sick. On top of that I also get random allergic reactions to things like certain fresh fruits and nuts and certain shellfish.
This is not the way people are meant to go through life. It's not ok that almost every kid in a classroom these days has some sort of food allergy or intolerance. And it is not any coincidence that there has been an insane increase in food allergies and developmental disabilities like autism and ADHD since the rise of processed foods, additives, and GMO foods. I personally have no desire to have a child, because I don't want them to live such a limiting and uncomfortable life. That's crazy that I feel that way, because it just shouldn't be that way. We should be able to trust that when we buy a carrot, the only ingredients in that carrot are the ones God put into it. Those are the ingredients our bodies were designed to eat - not the pesticides and chemicals added to it.
Brian posted a great article on this subject on his ultrarunning website. The reason Stuff I Feed Brian is mostly vegan is because he is in the middle of trying to figure out what food allergy or intolerance he has developed that causes him to suffer from digestive distress. But I guarantee whatever it is that he figures out is causing the problem, isn't the real root problem. I'm sure his and mine and most other people's reactions are rooted in the chemicals and GMO ingredients that have messed up our bodies to the point that we can't even eat regular wholesome food that has been nourishing humans for centuries.
It's all so frustrating, but the only thing we can do is pay attention to what we are eating and what we are feeding our kids. It's hard to know what to trust anymore, but being vigilant of our food sources is the best thing we can do to protect ourselves. And speaking up and spreading the word is the best thing we can do to protect our loved ones and our future society. If you want to learn more about the statistics of what is going down, watch this video in which Robyn O'Brien gives a clear and brief introduction to the matter:
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