Sugar cookie

(Baby Cassie fits in the basket) We watched the Will Farrell movie "Stranger Than Fiction" (of course we watched it, Bill has a thing for Will Farrell) and I really enjoyed the movie, including the ending which I won't discuss in case you haven't seen it yet. One of the characters is a baker and she says she started baking because it made people happy to eat things she made. That might be a bit sugary for some people but I really connected with the message that life can bring all sorts of crazy things your way and that you need to find your way (which is usually not the way you planned) and appreciate the small things like a nicely made cookies and the generous people in the world that share.

Just a few days ago I started calling Cassie our "Sugar Cookie" so it was funny to see a character in a movie giving cookies as a sign of faith in humanity. Our kitten was a gift to Bill from my sister for our wedding and every time I look at her, my heart warms (even when she is attacking my feet as I walk down the stairs).

(Growing up has ramifications)Since Bill and I came together our lives have been one twist and turn after another. Back in December 2005 Bill's job contract ended, we were evicted from our rental house, and he had no job prospects to bank on. We made a high pressure decision to buy our first home together even though we weren't married or engaged and we decided that Bill would go back to school for an MBA (his 2nd master's degree) while I continued to work full time and run We took a risk and it turned out well, we found the perfect house for us, Bill got a scholarship for school and we got married that summer. Tomorrow Bill defends his master's degree and we're trying to get me pregnant. It's like that commercial, "Life comes at you fast..." I wish we could slow it down but we're in our mid 30s and we've got to get it together now.

We have no idea what our future road will be but I think we've figured out enough to know that we can trust each other and that no matter what there will be plenty of sharing and cookies to go around. I can't say that I'm not afraid, I might have to go on fertility drugs and Bill might not be able to find a good job here in Oregon. Things could get wild for us again but we'll get there. Deep exhale. We're getting there.

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