Hot Seat

Today was the first day of class at the university which is always an entertaining day. My office window looks out onto campus and I get to watch guys skateboarding down the middle of the road and bicyclists dodging pedestrians on cell phones. Everyone is on a cell phone, last week I saw a set of twin girls sitting at a table together each talking on a cell phone, I sincerely hope they weren't conference calling their mom. Most of the conversations I overhear are kids calling their mom. Then you have the lost people, after swim class I heard some people talking outside of the shower and hoped they didn't barge in on me, nothing scares a lost freshman more than a naked lady in a shower.

I trained a student worker today, if you don't know this already, universities are run on cheap student labor. I have had more bad student workers than good and sometimes they just aren't worth it but I think I did alright picking at least one of my students. We'll soon find out!

So there is a photo of our new dresser, all we need now are some new lamps (the current ones I bought at Kmart several years ago for $8 so we're getting new ones) and some throw pillows and a non-cracked bed frame and we'll be set. We're going to get a 2nd dresser for the other side of the room and I think I'll put two photos up over there. It's starting to look nice around here, except that damn gold wall! After work today I went straight to the paint store for samples and hope to remedy the gold soon. Why did I do that to myself?

Our yard is looking pretty nice, I didn't spend as much time out there as I did last year but it has held up nicely. A little wild looking but fine. Last year I obsessed with it since we were getting married out there. I am afraid the frost is coming very soon and this will all be dead shortly. It was 45 degrees this morning, Cassie queued up to be let out this morning but she got a cold burst of air and turned back around to eat breakfast in the warm house. This caused me to re-evaluate my plans to bike to work and I opted to drive the Jeep with heated seats instead. Kind of weak but it feels so good to sit on heated seats!

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