After Reading This You’ll Never Throw Away Watermelon Rinds

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It’s the summers and the Sun is on fire!! We often opt for watermelon as a means to get rid of heat and to feel fresh. And we definitely do it right!! Because as the name suggests, watermelon contains 98% of water! Now it doesn’t stop here, because it has healthy amount of vitamin A and C, magnesium, potassium and other essential nutrients.

We love the red and pink, juicy part of the watermelon obviously because it is tasty!! But for your information watermelon is completely edible just like its cousin cucumber. This includes the green scraps that we usually throw out in garbage.

The rind, that green shell skin which contains the juicy part of this fruit is completely edible. I will give you a couple of reasons now to consider having it rather than throwing it in compost bin.

1. Blood pressure

As a normal protocol people diagnosed with high blood pressureresort to natural measures like herbs and various practices. Now it is not bad if I suggest you eat a fruit to lower your BP. Eating watermelon rind can help you there. Researches have shown that watermelon rind extracts can lower the problem of high blood pressure in obese adults. It is also a potential diuretic which is prescribed for people suffering from high blood pressure.

2. Weight loss

Here we talk again of citrulline. Studies have shown that citrulline consumption positively reduces the gained weight. It may not be direct that the rind is burning fatbut citrulline reduces your muscle fatigue which means that you can extend the duration and intensity of your workouts and thus manage burning fatin a better way!!

3. Eye health

Apart from all other listed benefits of watermelon, there is still one more. Watermelon juice benefits our eyes too. As we have already stated that watermelon has lots of vitamin A, vitamin C and other essential nutrients which are useful to keep our eyes healthy too. It also has beta-carotene in abundance which again is essential to keep our eyes healthy.

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4. Fights free radicals

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture says that, citrulline is a compound found in watermelon rind which is very instrumental in waving off free radicals in the body. Citrulline is further converted into an amino acid that in turn provides your immune system as well as heart with protection by residing harmful toxins from the body.

5. Prostate health

Watermelon provides you with good quantities of lycopene, now this is the antioxidant that you might want to use for yourself to keep off prostate cancer. Preliminary studies have been very promising about the fact yet there is more scope of research in this field to determine this relationship and the possibility of the fact that watermelon extracts could be used as a treatment in near future.

The diuretic properties of watermelon are well known and can be used very well to keep the urinary track healthy and in shape.

6. Boost libido

Certain researches have shown that the rind may prove to be of significant help to men suffering from mild to moderate erectile dysfunction. This green covering contains a libido boosting amino acid called citrulline in concentrated form.

A study proved that L-citrulline can help improve erections without quite a many side effects that are usually associated with Viagra.

There are many creative ways to eat watermelon rind for which you have to first choose an organic watermelon. Thereafter you can either add it to your smoothies or even simply bite deep into the white portion while eating the watery flesh.

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