Drink boiled lemon water in the morning! You will be stunned by the effects

We all are aware of that proverb ‘An apple a day’, keeps the doctor away- but we might have to change it a bit and start saying –some lemons a day keep the doctor away- instead. 

Now a days you might have seen ads on TV where slim models tell you to drink lemon juice in warm water, well all ads are not just illusion. 

Some part of that is true. If you start your day with some lemon juice in warm water, it will give a great kick start to your day. But just squeezing the juice out of lemon does not squeeze out all the nutrients the lemon’s pulp and peel have to offer. So instead it is suggested that you boil the lemons. This will extract all the awesome nutrients the lemon has in it and that lemon juice will become no less than a SUPER elixir! Here is how to prepare this fantastic liquid remedy:


6 Lemons
Honey (1 tablespoon for 1 cup)
500 ml or 20 Oz. of water


1.    Slice up lemons in half and boil them in 500 ml water for 5 minutes on slow flame.
2.    Strain the water and let it warm down.
3.    Drink a cup of this liquid adding 1 tablespoon of honey to it.
4.    Store the rest of lemon water in glass bottle to use later.
5.    Store this bottle in refrigerator.

Benefits of the Boiled Lemon Liquid

Protects you from cold and cough
Boosts immune system
Regulates metabolism & helps weight loss
Cures digestive problems
Boosts energy
Detoxifies the body
Balances pH Levels of organism
Clean & Clear skin by purifying blood
Cures bad breath
Prevents depression
Hydrates lymph system

So now as you have the recipe of this magic potion! Get started and put your lemons to boil and begin your day with this cup of goodness from tomorrow itself. You will notice difference immediately as you will stay hydrated, energetic healthy and happy all day long. Plus this recipe neither does take much time nor it takes much effort. With only 6 lemons boiled at a time, you can stock up your magic potion for a week.

You might not want to drink it warm all the time. But that is not a problem as you can drink it as chilled as you want. So it is a perfect fix for your summer drinks too!! Healthy, nutritious and tasty! And if you prefer it hot you can put one dosage in coffeepot and heat it very quickly too.

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