Make Your Liver 20+ Years Younger! Tamarind for Liver Damage & Diseases!

Liver is very important organ in human body, if you treat your liver improperly, it can affect our entire body and cause severe diseases. It performs more than 500 functions in the body. No other vital organ that can replace the liver.

Why Liver is vital organ?

The liver is the body’s 2nd largest organ, weighing in at around 1.3 kg (3 pounds). Our liver performs numerous essential functions related to..

1.  Metabolism: It metabolizes fats & produces energy.
2.  Digestion.
3.  Production of proteins with the help of vitamin K which is significant in blood clotting process.
4.  Storage of nutrients within the body.
5.  Immunity.
6.  Breaking down old and damaged red blood cells.
7.  Detoxification of blood.

All these functions make the liver a crucial organ, without liver the tissues of the body would rapidly die due to lack of nutrients and energy. Fortunately, the liver has an unbelievable ability to regenerate on its own!

Causes of liver diseases & illness

That is why treating your liver properly and keeping it healthy and strong isn’t hard at all. It performs more than 500 functions; hence there are so many things that may cause liver damage and diseases. Therefore, you should be aware of a few things that can damage you liver such as..

Excessive alcohol consumption
Obesity and Diabetes
Bad diet and high Salt intake 
Too much Smoking 
Nutritional supplements 
Overuse of medications such as antidepressants & mood stabilizers.

Here we are exploring an amazing fruit and two recipes that will help you to treat liver related problems in few days.

How Tamarind works?

An incredible juicy and tasty fruit! Tamarind eliminates fat, toxins from our liver and treats almost all liver damages and disease. 

This fruit detoxifies our body, lowers cholesterol, improves digestion, cure bile related problems, protects the liver, protects the membrane, lining of the colon and improves overall health.

Tamarind contains calcium, dietary fiber, minerals& Vitamins A, B, C, E, K, riboflavin, folic acid, thiamine and niacin, these are vital vitamins for the metabolism of glucose, protein and fat.

It also has good quantity of an powerful antioxidant called ‘Tartaric acids’ which stimulates the production of the liver’s natural antioxidants (superoxide dismutase and glutathione) These antioxidant protects liver from damages. Sticky pulp of tamarind is a rich source of dietary fiber, tannin and pectin.

1. Liver healing recipe

1.  Take 2 handfuls of peeled tamarind and add one liter water to it.
2.  Put this mixture in a blender, blend and mix it well.
3.  Strain this mixture and drink the liquid throughout the day.
4.  Alternatively, you can try tamarind tea.

2. Tamarind tea recipe

1.  Take 20-25 tamarind leaves and clean them properly using water.
2.  Crush or chopped these leaves.
3.  And boil them in one liter water for 15-20 minutes on slow flame.
4.  Then let the water warm down (Do not strain the water before warming it down)
5.  When mixture become lukewarm strain it & divide it into two equal parts to drink it twice a day (in the morning and evening) to cure liver related problems and improve overall health.

Note: It is recommended to drink this tea unsweetened. But if you don’t like the taste of this tea, you can add 1-2 teaspoon of honey.

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