Why Soaked Almonds are Better than Raw Almonds? Why to peel the Almonds skins off?

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Almonds Nutrient Profile

Almonds are rich source of vital nutrients such as proteins, vitamin E, omega 3 fatty acids and dietary fibers. Almonds are considered as the next big 'super food' because of its incredible nutrients. They are high amount of proteins thus they keep us full for longer which helps in weight loss. 

Moreover, it contains manganese which regulates blood sugar and helps strengthen bones. Almonds help muscle strengthening and nerve functions. They're exceptionally helpful for those with blood pressure problems.

We eat almonds in our desserts n chocolates too. It tastes so good and I don’t need to repeat its nutritional value. Now that I have gloated all about almonds the discussion of the hour is whether to eat almonds dry or soaked. Let’s see which one in more beneficial. 

Raw Almonds vs Soaked Almonds

Raw almonds are crunchy and nutty in texture the can be eaten as it is while soaked almonds are a bit soft and juicy. Almonds need to be soaked for at least 8-9 hours before consumption and some people like to peel its cover off. Choosing between soaked almonds and raw almonds isn't just a matter of taste, it's about picking the healthier option. 

Why soaked almonds are better?

If you already eat soaked almonds then you chose the right option. Let me tell you some reasons why it is so good. First of all let us begin with almond’s outer peel; the brown peel of almonds contains tannin which inhibits nutrient absorption. Once you soak almonds the peel comes off easily and allows the nut to release all nutrients easily. So it is just that both the types of almonds are equally nutritive, but the one without peel provides us with more nutrients.

How to soak almonds?

Soak a handful of almonds in half a cup of water. Cover them and allow them to soak for 8 hours. Drain the water, peel off the skin and store them in plastic container. These soaked almonds will last you for about a week. Or you may soak 4-5 almonds every night and eat them the next morning.

Health benefits of soaked almonds

1. Improves digestion

Soaking almonds releases a pancreatic enzyme called “lipase” which helps in proper digestionof food and fats.

2. Regulates blood pressure and diabetes

Almond regulates high blood pressureby lowering and maintaining glucose levelsin the body.

3. Help with weight-loss

The monounsaturated fats in almonds curb your appetiteand keep you full. So feel free to snack on them because they'll help you avoid binge-eating and trigger weight-loss. Now that’s a very tasty and super healthy diet food.

4. Healthy heart

Almonds keep our heart healthyby decreasing bad cholesterol(low density lipoprotein) and increasing good cholesterol(high density lipoprotein).

5. Anti aging

Rich source of antioxidants: soaked almonds contains Vitamin E which works as an antioxidant which restrains free radical damage in the body and prevents inflammation and ageing.

6. Fights Cancer

Soaked almonds contain Vitamin B17 which is essential against cancer.

7. Prevents birth defects

Folic acid presents in soaked almonds reduces birth defects.

8. Prevents tumor growth

Almond is rich source of flavonoid which suppresses tumor growth.

Reading all the above facts you must have already decided to add almonds in your daily diet. Isn’t it? ;)

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