Spaghetti Squash Goes Greek

I have decided it is a good idea to stock up on winter squashes when I go shopping. Because, while my produce starts gettin' wilty in a few days, these guys are truckin' for months. Here is an easy spaghetti squash recipe that infuses my love for greek salads.
Spaghetti Squash Greek Goddess - also note gluten free beer in background!

1 medium to large spaghetti squash
1/2 onion diced
3 cloves of garlic minced
5 or so stalks of thick asparagus (more if thin) - cut up into 1/2" pieces
4 -5 large handfuls of organic spinach 
2-3 tbs of olive oil
1 vine ripened tomato diced in large chunks
1/4 cucumber diced in large chunks
1 lemon
5 leaves of fresh basil (a few shakes of dried basil is ok too)
Oregano, salt, and pepper to taste
Olives (optional because brian doesn't like them a ton but I think they'd go well)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Cut spaghetti squash in half lengthwise and remove seeds and flesh (clean seeds and reserve, discard the yucky stringy flesh)
Place spaghetti squash insides down in a casserole dish filled with 1/4 in of water and put in the oven. Set timer for 30 minutes
Place seeds on a small baking pan and coat lightly with olive oil, salt, & pepper and add to oven
Meanwhile, you can dice up all your veggies.  
When you have about 15 minutes left for the spaghetti squash to cook, start cooking the veggies on medium heat in a large frying pan with about 1 tbsp of oil.
Add onions first, then garlic, then asparagus, and toss spinach in 1 minute before squash is ready.
Stir and turn off heat.
Remove seeds and spaghetti squash from oven. Test to see if it is ready by digging a fork in the pulp - if it comes out in strings like spaghetti, you are ready to rock. Turn squashes on their backs and scoop all the pulp out of the squash into a large mixing bowl. Scrape all the way down to the firm peel. Careful - its hot!
Squeeze the lemon juice all over the spaghetti squash along with a tbsp of olive oil, and the spices. Mix in feta cheese and sauteed veggie mix.
Scoop a few heaping spoonfuls on each plate and top with tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, and seeds.Don't worry about this meal being piping hot. I like it as more of a salad.

Since we are still enjoying warm, sunny weather, I served this with a spinach salad first that included spinach, tomato, onion, cucumber, and feta. It made preparation easy because all of the ingredients were already out!

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