Kaanapali Klassic 1.2 mile rough water swim

I read about this race online while I was searching for master's swimming groups on Maui. I was hoping to drop in on an open water (ocean) swim while we were on vacation which I was inspired to do by the Hawaii girl's blogs I follow (Bree Wee and Sun Safety Barbie). Plus I needed a goal that didn't involve running since I'm still not up to speed, so to speak, after having baby.

Trying not to look intimidated? I read about the race 4 weeks before we left so I didn't have long to prepare but I did enough long swimming to keep myself from panicking about the race. The race was casual but well supported with paddle boarders and jet skis to guide the swimmers. There was a buoy not far out from shore and then an immediate right turn which caused the typical back up. I held back since I didn't want to return to open water swimming with a kick to the face.

We swam around a point and they warned about swimming too far in because of the coral reef. I stayed as wide out as the paddle boarder would let me. It seemed like I was surrounded by little girls, because I was swimming with little girls! Obviously the locals have no problem putting their kids in the ocean for a swim which is fabulous! I hope Liam has those types of opportunities in Oregon.

I'm the pink cap without a kick. The water was pretty clear so I saw plenty of coral and some fish while we were out there. I remember thinking, "I wish I could swim faster" which sounds less than profound but man! I have to work on my turnover and kicking. At one point the current was tossing us around and I could see by the coral that I wasn't making a lot of progress. I tried to find some feet to draft off of but everyone seemed to be going all over the place so I never found good feet to follow.

Before I felt like dieing I saw the final buoy which meant it was time to turn in to the finish. I tried to kick in hard but apparently you don't get instant speed just by willing yourself to go faster. I came out of the water and saw a woman ahead of me with ripped up muscles. I was proud of myself for finishing, flabby post baby belly and all, right behind her. Which left me 3rd in my division, she was 2nd. I don't quite have the competitive thing back yet.

Post race the "Hula Grill" hosted breakfast and awards. The Flecks from Oregon do alright swimming with the locals. Well, a 10 year old boy beat Bill. We might have to come back next year so Bill can beat him. ;) Erika's time: 0:35:43  Bill's time 0:29:48.

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