
Liam sitting in grandpa's chair watching football. Liam has been a very good baby on this trip I almost don't know what to think. We get in the car and the baby doesn't cry, he coos and stares at his toys, quietly. Tonight we took him to a restaurant for the first time and he slept through most of dinner. At home, I can't get two bites down before he starts crying. He's also sleeping longer here. The only answer I can think of is that Liam is a snowbird and would rather spend his winters in Phoenix. I'm with him on this!

"No photos please, I'm trying to have some privacy." We were seeing if Liam could fit in the stroller without the carseat. Answer: not really.

Liam watching football with daddy. Tomorrow Bill is going to Tucson for business and his parents are going with him so I will be home alone with baby. I'm hoping he sleeps a little so I can get some work done. If not, we'll just go outside and enjoy the sun! Oh the snowbird lifestyle!

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