Chicks man

I went out with the girls last night but I was home by 8 so don't get too excited for me. I met another new mom who is getting less sleep than I am, poor woman! I had a great time chatting over martinis and realized that I need to get out more. Sadly, I'm at the ripe old age of 37 so whenever I get dressed up I feel like I look like a cougar on the prowl. Aging isn't cute.

But babies are cute so let's forget about that other stuff.

I started back to work on a part time schedule at work this week, MTRF as 5 hour days with Wed off. I really like it so far and I think it will work out well for us. After working full time for so many years, part time feels a bit like taking a vacation. It's nice to get up and go somewhere in the morning, drink some coffee and socialize with adults but then head home by 1 for time with baby. Right now I work until noon and then try to fit a workout in before I pick up baby.

Evening exercise has not been happening because once the sun goes down it's time to deal with fussy baby and get him to bed. Before I know it, 8 pm is here and I have a choice to make: do the dishes and go to bed or get another workout in. There are no 2-a-days going on here.

I did get invited to participate in a ladies night bike trainer workout on Wednesday nights. I should do it, at least every other week, just so I get some socialization in. It's all too easy for me to shuffle out to the garage and ride the trainer for 40 minutes and be happy with that. If I'm riding with other women I'll ride double that time. I'll let you know if I get a life or stay here, blogging to you from my couch. Thank goodness for the blog or I wouldn't have a reason to go on with my sorry social life ;-)

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