Tougher than the Navy Seals

Shocking news: the baby started sleeping after I wrote my last blog. The poor little guy has a cold so I don't know if that is why he is sleeping or if it is our awesome parenting. :) Last night he slept 8 pm - 3am. We heard him at 3am and it was practically a party. We both jumped up out of bed and went in his room to congratulate him on his longest sleep ever. He must have been exhausted from a week and a half of bad sleep.

A very unflattering outfit for a walk/run today. Old clothes, new post baby body. Ugh. Someday the clothes will fit right again. Anyway, it was almost 50 degrees and sunny so after Liam's morning nap I went out for some exercise. Joyous! Sun! Sleeping baby and sun is a great day.

Mama and baby having dinner. Does he look like me at all? He's got his daddy's hair line for sure!

A few years ago I watched a show about Navy Seals training and came away thinking that people who attempt that career path are studs. They make them do a bunch of crazy stuff like lift a big log over their heads multiple times and jump in freezing cold water at 3 am but the hardest thing they have to deal with is sleep deprivation. I have a whole new perspective on life now that I have a child. There are parents out there who go through amazing things (way tougher than us) and could give the Navy Seals good competition in the mental toughness category. I also believe that the average woman who gives birth to a child is tougher than the average Ironman. I have ultimate respect for single mom's who deal with all of it by themselves. I can't imagine doing this without Bill.

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