Have we forgotten to SMILE!

I got up from my office desk with a mild throbbing and mind juggling to find the fix for the defect I was working on ..... Muttering to myself , lines on my forehead, avoiding eye contacts with passer by colleagues , I dodged my way to the washroom pretending to check the endless and meaningless FB newsfeed.....and ofcourse occasionally sighing to a distant acquaintance's exotic holiday pictures ! Ugh ...Sigh !!!!
 Social media  is entering into our lives with a small pouch of depression hidden under its sleeve....Under the pretense of connecting with the lost forgotten contacts ( whom we would never have struggled to dial in or email or stay in touch otherwise coz we simply do not care !), it is giving us a paradigm to judge ourselves on the popularity scale, to induce jealousy and frustration slowly and steadily (oh ...She got a promotion/ What an exotic location he is holidaying in / how pretty her dress is/how much fun they seem to be having in the deliberate crazy poses they are giving for FB/ she has such a nice pout :P/ how many selfies they are posting ) among other things ..... I am not against social networking at all, but I really feel we should start a Look Up campaign (that would spread like wild fire through social networking ...#LookUp...Irony :D)
Anyways, so while I myself was a victim of this Internet, I obligingly bowed and exhibiting great typing speed like a pro was replying and reading my whatsapp chats. During all this, our washroom cleaning lady whom I regularly spot 3-4 times a day was seeing me and as soon as I looked up .... She gave me a flashing smile and a dazzling display of enamel I have seen in a long time. I was just so ashamed of myself at that moment.... I had a chit chat with her for a while genuinely interested in her work schedule and was wondering how she has managed to stay so happy and delightful with a task ppl would usually dread and find lowly ... She actually came like an intervention in my life .....like holding my hand and saying ...stop living your life through other ppl's updates and forwarded chats .... Look Up and Smile !!! You never know who is passing by and with whom you might share a short and special smiley camaraderie.....Life is too short to be lived bowed down and romance with an electronic device .....
#Lookup and #Smile .... call the people you really want to stay in touch and be personal ...... ignite a romance with living beings for a while and notice the difference....

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