Lets go back (part 1)

It was a cold day.....she wondered if it was due to drizzling or because she was so sensitive to cold as pointed out by her friends.  She always craved for a rewind button in her life....one which took her back to college....well wait a minute....no back to school....particularly to class 5. Reflecting back she now wanted to live her life once again rewriting it in a new fashion....the one which she would fondly remember.....she had too many regrets in her life! She wondered if she was unique or everybody went through the same in their quarter life crises.

Class 5 was fun.....She was a good student in school.....and she made some real good friends.....School plays where she sported a moustache and an gold color laced jacket borrowed from her brother  for role of a greedy elder young man, 100 m race where she came first in the girls and secured a second position in the whole lot attributed to her long legs, SUPW assignments where she decorated a cricket rubber ball with  golden tid bit plastics and shimmer pins, friends’ birthday when they chose a “best friend” to take around with them in other class to distribute toffees and where she had the pleasure of picking up 2 toffees unlike other, poem recitation competitions where she forgot her lines when she spotted a friend frantically waiving at  her with a thumbs up, when good handwriting was talent and using ink pens was a craze, when children stood up raising their one hand straight up and asking permissions from the teacher “Ma’am, can I go to toilet?” , “Ma’am can I drink water from my water bottle?”.....she later learned in Class 8 from her English teacher that the correct way of asking permission was “May I drink water?”.  Insisting on purple Lady bird with basket and having cycling sprees through out the colony.

Yes, she wanted to go back to those times again...way before high school where she had a stupid crush over the most notorious guy of her class who was very public about his liking for her benchmate.....they went on to become a couple after continual persuasion from the guy like writing her name on piece of paper and flying rockets in the class which She so failingly tried to control as the class monitor! She was hooked on to him ...for a while and that was quite a while....unless she changed school and place to try a place of IITs after class 10. She became a silent admirer of a real good looking guy who went on to secure a second position in the IIT joint entrance examination while she busted it big time landing in a decent state level engineering college. First Regret.

Can she really go back to neatly and crisp uniform dresses, scrubbed faces, tied ponytails, daily polished shoes, sandwich/idle jam lunch boxes, pilot pens, stern teachers, daily morning assemblies....to good old days!!
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