Greetings from Xantusia

Bill and I drove ~10 hours on Thursday and slept in the rented cargo van with the dog outside of a hotel off of I-5.  You might think that's not very accommodating but Bill did manage to stop in one of the few roadside places in central CA that had a Starbuck's so I was happy with it.  We finished the remainder of the drive, ~4 hours to Dan and Monty's and arrived around 11am on Friday.  Marshall got to meet some of the dogs of Xantusia and we had some lunch before gearing up for a bike ride.  

The weather here is great! Mid 70s and sunny so perfect riding weather.  Bill made an assault on the mtn where Dan and Monty have a 11 mile time trial. He didn't quite make the women's record so I think he'll be at it again today.  I'll post pics when I get to AZ on Sunday.  Today we are watching the 70.3 championships online and we'll head out for another bike ride and a run later.  

We drank some wine last night and tried to come up with a list of names for a women's racing team. Dan is letting us use "slowtwitch" as part of our team name so we just need to come up with the rest of the name.  We're planning our next training camp in April and will hopefully have uniforms and other gear by then.  Either way, we'll have fun training and partying on Monty's new patio.  Can't wait for training camp and to see the rest of the ladies. 

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