Stickin' it to Poisonous Corporate Food America

I try to limit stuff I feed Brian to foods as close to their natural state as possible. This means avoiding the packaged foods aisles in the grocery store and just shopping the perimeters of the store. (Of course here and there we sneak in the middle to get our guilty pleasure "junk" foods like organic corn chips, the occasional Nut Crackers for road trips or camping, peanut butter, and my chocolate - I'm working on it ok).

I didn't come about this habit because packaged foods are bad for the environment or because they are loaded with poisonous carcinogenic chemicals. I did this because a lot of packaged foods have gluten in them, whether it makes sense to or not. And to buy gluten free packaged foods would mean spending my whole paycheck on food i don't need. Most gluten free substitute foods are like 3 times the price of regular versions - plus they are just gross, dry and crumbly. Ew!

It's reasons like these that I am so happy to be blessed with being a Celiac. Those junk foods that are killing our environment and ourselves are just not an option for me. Plus, I'd rather spend 50 cents on a bag of mushrooms than buying those nasty $6 "veggie" burgers. Same goes for eating out - especially fast food, pizza, and chinese food. Unless I wanna be sick for 3 weeks, it's just not an option.

But most of America doesn't have it as easy as me. Most people's minds are sucked in by corporate America and their conspiracies to fill us with poison so we have to go buy medicines that fill us with poison until we end up paying insurance and medical companies out the wazoo to pretend that we are still alive.

No more of that soda!
I wanted to take a minute to give a shout out to my Dad, who after years of being bombarded with food marketing, phony diets, and addictive convenience foods, has had a major breakthrough and decided to stick it to the corporate monster and say no. After facing the potential of being forced to take Lipitor, he decided enough is enough. He has lost 23 pounds with daily exercise and a low fat, low calorie, low sugar diet. He's now digging deeper to find out that those foods marketed as "health" or "diet" foods are crap. He's shifting into a whole foods diet loaded with fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, beans and legumes. Bye bye dairy, soda, refined sugar, meats, and especially - sayonara fast food and pizza! And this is just the beginning of his journey to taking back his health. I can't wait to see how far he goes.

So congrats Dad! I am unbelievably proud of your breakthrough, hard work, determination, and enlightenment. Way to stick it to poisonous corporate food America!

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