What Clients Say About Swim Pro Janet

I've always wanted to swim with confidence but a series of 'oh-crap-I'm-gonna-drown' moments kept that dream at bay until you showed me how to stay calm no matter how rough or deep the water. I no longer have to fight my fear every time I attempt to snorkel or sail or dog paddle. Thank you Janet Renner for helping me heal a wound that has been festering for over 40 years! Today I touched the bottom of the pool. Tomorrow I just might get scuba certified. ~ Rhonda Britten, Emmy Award-winner, Bestselling author of 'Fearless Living', Founder, Fearless Living Institute (Rhonda learned how to swim and completed her scuba certification...in the ocean...all within 30 days!) click here to watch her video testimonial
Rhonda Britten - Certified Scuba Diver

I am a solid athlete who couldn’t get her swim times down – increased effort did not create increased speed (20 years of triathlons). With just a minute of observation, Janet was able to diagnose my challenges. She gave a few easy to follow instructions, showed me ways to train my body to integrate my new understanding, and for the first time I believe I have the potential to be a fast swimmer. We accomplished that in two (2) short practice sessions. Janet is amazing! Thank you! ~ Rosie Laughlin, Tri-Athlete, Missouri 

As the date of my first triathlon in Maui approached, and my first ever race in the ocean, I felt increasingly anxious. How was I to swim almost one mile at King’s Trail Triathlon when I was out of breath after only 100 meters in the pool? I contacted a professional with experience in the Pacific Ocean. Janet Renner was personable, professional and I felt at ease in a matter of minutes. In less than an hour I was efficiently swimming between buoys and best of all, I wasn’t even tired. Janet followed me like a fish under the water observing my technique and giving me the precise feedback that I so much needed. On the day of the race I felt completely confident and even kept up with the more advanced swimmers. I can’t thank Janet enough! ~ Litzbeth Roll, M.S., California

With one simple correction, Janet straightened out numerous problems with my freestyle stroke. I am now passing people I’ve never been able to keep up with before. I can’t believe the simple changes Janet made to my stroke have had such a big impact. She was able to take at least 20 seconds off my 100m times and I think with some practice I’ll be able to sustain another 10 seconds off! ~ Dr. Fred Schauer, Tri-Athlete, Ohio

This is the 3rd training camp Janet has conducted for our club. We have members from beginning to advanced skill levels, and each of us not only enjoyed the camp, even with having attended multiple times, we still take away something new that helps us improve. Janet’s attention to detail in helping to refine our strokes was invaluable! The workouts were great, and all of the participants, including myself, love her approach to coaching masters. She obviously recognizes the unique needs of adult swimmers. ~ Glenn Davis, Coach Coordinator, Manitoba Masters Aquatic Club, Winnipeg, Canada

I came to Maui to visit for a week and I wanted to learn how to swim.  I discovered Janet through the concierge at our hotel.  I had planned for a week of lessons - 1 hour daily - but unfortunately I got super sick before my first lesson, so there went my plan to finally learn how to swim!  Janet was so kind and understanding when I had to cancel.  I felt better a couple days later, and was determined to have at least one lesson with Janet.  (It seemed as if every employee I talked to at the hotel knew of "Janet the swim teacher" and raved about her.)  So I called her up again even though it was my last day on the island and she said let's just see what we can accomplish in one 2.5 hour lesson.  Well she not only got me comfortable with putting my face in the water - by the end of the lesson I was swimming and feeling comfortable and confident in swimming 25 yards without stopping - of course I could touch the bottom.  I was so proud, but then Janet had two more challenges for me before we parted ways.  And I am so proud to say I rose to both challenges and I am so glad I did!!  She had me swimming in 10' deep pool, and jumping off the diving board even and swimming back to the wall - all by myself.  Janet wasn't even in the pool!!  Oh my gosh, I cannot believe it!  I can swim!!! ~ M. Phillips - New York

There are teachers, and then there are TEACHERS!  When we run across the TEACHERS in our life we know we have been blessed by a special gift.  Janet is a TEACHER!  I am so thrilled to have found her, and I can't wait for my next vacation to Maui to swim with my TEACHER again!  Thank you Janet!! ~ R. Saurer - Florida

A parent of two students:
Aside from the hotel we stayed at, Janet was the BEST investment I made on this trip!  Every penny was worth it!!  Thank you Janet - my boys love the water now and what a gift you have given them! ~ P. Riistald - Finland

My 7 year old son start with Janet just a few weeks ago and his attitude towards swimming has shifted tremendously. As a young child, we had him enrolled in a swim school where he was taught with one other student. After more than one year, he barely made any progress. Half of his lesson was spent sitting on the steps while the other student had her turn. We decided that we wanted to invest in one-on-one lessons to finally get him safe and comfortable in the water. Janet's style really works with him. He is a super athletic kid that can't stay still, but she is able to get him to be calm in the water and to realize how that can help him float and swim. After two lessons, he is now comfortable in the water, has taken his first legitimate strokes, and more than anything is excited about swimming. He came home and jumped up and down about his progress. He still has a ways to go, but we know that with Janet's help, he will be swimming circles around us any day now!. ~ P. Mody - California

To think that a year ago I was a "beginning" swimmer and I completed swimming 2.13 miles in the Masters program today! I am thrilled by my progress. I think I have moved up from the slowest swimmer to the next slowest swimmer and that one year ago I could barely get to the end of the pool (and God forbid, back. I thought I would die. And I wouldn't even have lipstick on when 911 was called.) I have a long way to go to get one lane over and even master the flip turn - but I have finally found something I love doing and that I can do for hopefully the rest of my life. I would have never dreamed a year ago I would be wearing a pink tiara swim cap with a swim suit called a "Dolphin Ugly". Or be seen in public at 7 AM in a swim suit in 40 degree weather and no make-up. Wonders never cease! You have changed my life in such a positive way and are my inspiration! ~ E.B. - California

My husband and I are filled with awe in witnessing how you coach our daughter in the pool. Not only are you able to gain her trust within such a short period, you also help her to lessen her fear for water and stay calm.
Our daughter told us multiple times that going to Teacher Janet's house to learn how to swim is one of the best activities she has had all summer...hearing those words brought tears to our eyes! Teacher Janet, thank you so much for instilling so much joy and confidence in our daughter! We love you!!! ~ J. Tang & W. Koh - California

It is so amazing to see how much our children have learned. At dinner when we pray, they say thank you God for swimming! ~ J. Lee - California

Janet, our 5 year old daughter loved swimming in the pools and ocean on our vacation to Thailand thanks to her new and improved swimming skills. ~ R. & B. Miura

Janet, thank you for your understanding and patience with our son and me. You are an amazing role model and your inner energy and calmness is admired. Seeing my son smile, laugh and progress with you makes me so happy. He says, "Thanks for being the best swimming teacher." He drew a picture of him and you in the pool together. ~ K. Jaeger

You have really transformed our family's relationship to swimming and the water, and we are really grateful for your talents. We are on our first full day in Hawaii and all five of us have swam and snorkeled for our very first time in the ocean together!!! All thanks to you!! ~ S. Okazaki

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