Children's Group Lesson Level Descriptions

6 Class Levels to choose from:  (descriptions of goal for each level below)
(have trouble deciding ask Janet to help you decide)

Level 1:  ages 3-4
  • help students feel comfortable in water
  • learn to put face in the water
  • blow bubbles
  • float on belly
  • kick on belly
  • float on back

Level 2:  for ages 3-4 who completed Level 1 and ages 5 new to swimming

  • review of level 1 curriculum 
  • streamline kicking on belly 
  • kick on back
  • roll over from belly to back and vice versa
  • begin to learn breaststroke arms
  • begin to learn freestyle arms
  • retrieve items on bottom of shallow pool

Level 3:  ages 4-7 

  • review of level 2 curriculum
  • breath with breaststroke arms
  • begin to learn breaststroke kick
  • begin to learn elementary backstroke
  • begin to learn dolphin kick 
  • roll on back to breathe with freestyle arms
  • roll over on back when tired
  • jump in water
  • swim underwater

Level 4: ages 4-7 

  • review of level 3 curriculum
  • tread water
  • self rescues
  • begin to learn to dive into water
  • begin to learn timing of full stroke breaststroke
  • learn dolphin kick with able to take breathes
  • breaths with freestyle
  • learn to be comfortable in deep water

Level 5: ages 5-8 

  • review of level 4 curriculum
  • learn shallow water dives
  • learn full stroke breaststroke
  • begin to learn butterfly
  • learn backstroke
  • learn techniques to rescue others

Level 6: graduates of Level 5:   

  • learn butterfly
  • learn open turns
  • learn flip turns
  • intro to swim training 

    Private and semi private lessons available upon request on Fridays.  Email or call 808-280-2756

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