6 Warning signs your liver is full of toxins and making you fat, depressed

Ever wondered why liver is such an important organ of our body?? Let me tell you, liver is one of the organs that dispose off toxins from our body. As we see that we live in such a heavily polluted environment, the need to eliminate toxins is moreover increased. 

As and when these toxins get accumulated inside it, the liver becomes overworked and fatigued which further leads to deposition of toxins in fat cells, especially in the belly area and so on and so forth it spreads throughout your body. This is one reason more, why we should know and recognize signs of a sluggish liver.

1. Sudden weight gain

If you notice a sudden remarkable gain in weight out of nowhere then this is a sign we are talking about. If your liver has become sluggish, the body will gain tendency to store unfiltered toxins in fat cells. Otherwise liver is responsible for metabolizing all the fat, but it will start appearing again once the efficiency of liver is reduced. And you will realise that going to the gym is now just not doing anything. For you are sweating it out and still gaining weight.

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2. Chronic fatigue

Chronic fatigues are often left for good by people, for ignorance is a bliss as they call it. This is one of the most overlooked symptoms of a sluggish liver. Chronic fatigue is a very common symptom of liver problems and during a sluggish liver this problem is even more remarkable according scientists. Toxins are like mini poisons, so if left in your body they would cause aches all over when they disrupt your muscle metabolism. To add on to this, the worst case scenario would be these toxins attacking the immune system. Chronic fatigue can cause you to be moody, be depressed and the worst cases have reported anger when it is untreated.

3. Excessive sweating and body odour

When the liver is over stressed, it becomes hot and then to maintain its normal temperature, this heat is transferred to other parts of body. Now your body, by its natural instinct, would try to cool down by perspiring more. This while process results in excessive sweating and also the odour that accompanies it.

4. Allergies

Apart from its primary function to perform de-tox, your liver is also responsible to create antibodies that attack all allergens. 

At the same time it makes body store those allergens which stimulates the brain to produce histamine. Once its function is impaired brain starts producing more histamine which results in bringing back those allergic symptoms that you had avoided. You might experience symptoms of allergy like itchiness and headaches if there is too much histamine in the system.

5. Bad breath

There are people who make the sales of mouth fresheners go sky high. These are the same people who are challenged by bad odour from mouthat all times. No matter how much you clean your mouth or how much you floss, the result would still be the same. This is once again a sign of sluggish. When foul-smelling toxins start building up in your body fetor hepaticas occurs, which makes people go away from you because you smell bad.

6. Stubborn acne

Where there is toxin accumulated, there has to something wrong as a result. When there is excess of toxins in the body, it causes hormonal imbalance such as acne. You might be using the best kinds of creams or hot shot treatments to get rid of those but somehow it would still persist. This is because they are not actually skin problems; they are result of your sluggish liver.

If you are experiencing these symptoms you need to check with your doctor whether your liver is healthy or not. For better perception of ways to keep your liver healthy, watch the video below.

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