Goji berry fruit plant germination

Goji berry plant is a Himalayan plant which produce antioxidants,proteins, amino acid and essential minerals.It is a perennial plant and it has many medicinal uses in ancient China.Its germination is good in winter.It is used to cure eye, liver and kidney aliments.


Plant size :60-84" tall, 60-84" wide
Light :Full Sun
Fruit color :red
Bloom time :Harvest early summer to frost
Soil type :Sandy Soil, Loamy Soil, Clay Soil
Zone : 5 to 8

Most important:Avoid Rainy day or a cloudy weather for sowing the seeds.
You will definitely get nothing, wait for the bright Sunny day and clear weather.
 Growing Methods in seedling tray

Goji berry plants can thrive in containers or a garden in the ground. Container plants do not grow as large, but growing several plants can make up for the loss in yield. They are also an ideal option for gardeners with limited growing space.

Container Planting

Soak the seeds with warm (70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit )  water that is from for one to two days.Or
Start by soaking the seeds in water for two to three days. This will increase their rate of germination. Better to place the seeds  direct  sunlight . Mixed with  sand with commercial potting mix(Vermicompost) or garden soil and  sieved with  strainer  until it is very fine.Goji berry plants grow well in a mixture of potting soil and organic matter. If the soil does not drain well, add vermiculite or perlite to it. Proper drainage is important for root health. Instead of using fertilizer to add nutrients , frequently add a layer of compost . Organic matter contains all the nutrients a goji plant needs.

Because a good growing medium for developing seedlings consists of sand and potting mix. Mix the two together until a fine consistency results. The ideal pH range for soil is between 7 and 8. Place the mix in a seedling tray, and bury each seed about 1/4-inch deep. The seeds need full sun and water mist to keep the soil moist.

 The ideal soil pH should be between 7 and 8.

Sow  the seeds 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep indoors in pots if you live in a colder area. Move the pots outside when the weather begins to warm. If you live in a warmer area, plant them outdoors in partial sun after the danger of frost has passed.

Sprinkle diluted fungicide water (2gm in 1 liter water) after sowing the seeds . The temperature should be from 64 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Spray the seedlings with a mist sprayer until two leaves appear. Irrigate them with a sprinkler after that if your seedlings are outside. Do not allow the soil to become soggy.

 Ground Planting

Snip off the main stem just above third leaf when it appears. This will cause the plant to grow laterally as a bush rather than vertically as a tree. A bushy form will yield more berries than a taller plant.Transplant the seedlings to a container or the ground when they reach about 5 inches in height.Space the goji seedlings about 4 feet apart in the ground. This allows the bush to spread without running into the neighboring plant. Place the seedling in a hole about the size of the root ball.


Goji berry plants require special care to thrive in containers or in the ground. Gardeners need to know how much sun and water the plants need and what type of soil provides the best growing environment. Pruning is also an important part of goji plant care.


Need daily water for goji plants  during dry or drought conditions. Controlled water  when the soil is not dry or it  located in a humid climate. Over watering  can damage the  root rot for fungal growth. Water in the early morning . Drooping leaves are a sign that the plant is not receiving enough moisture.


1. Goji berries are a good source of minerals,vitamins (vitamin a,vitamin c,iron ,fiber)

2.It is also used for anti -bacterial and anti-fungal.

3.It increases lot of energy levels and it is anti- aging.

4.It is  good for cure eyesight problems.

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