Tomato seed germination tips

The first thing to know is that tomatoes come in two types - climbing, correctly known as ‘indeterminate’ tomatoes, these keep growing all through the season.
There are so many varieties that come in so many colors and sizes that you will have as much fun choosing as growing.


1.Eating tomatoes, ketchup, tomato sauce and tomato paste-topped pizza more than two times a week can reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

2. Vitamin A, present in tomatoes, helps to improve your eyesight as well as prevent night-blindness and oracular degeneration.

3. Eating tomatoes daily can keep your digestive system healthy as it prevents both, constipation and diarrhea. It also prevents jaundice and effectively removes toxins from the body.

4.Rich tomato components fight acne and prevent damage to skin cells.


1.Place your containers in a warm location out of direct sunlight.

2.If temperature is kept consistently and sufficiently warm, your tomato seeds will usually germinate within 5 to 10 days. Best to keep temperature range 70 to 80F (21 to 27C). However, temperatures below 50F (10C) or above 95F (35C) are poor for germination. (Some varieties need more time to germinate.) When seeds start coming up remove tray from plastic bag.

3.If you are using a closed plastic bag, the seeds may not need watering at all before they germinate. If the flats (or whatever container you’re using) are open to the air, check them every day. But remember, the seeds should be damp, not swimming.

Step 1

Use a flat seedling tray and its deep will be 5 centimeter. Make sure you have plenty of holes in it for good water drainage.

Step 2

As the seeds are perfect in size then you can put the seeds over it by 1/3 after that cover the seeds with seedling mix only about 1 cm (one centimeter)

Step 3

Take equal quantity of sand, soil and vermicompost. Then mix all the three ingredients into one container.

Step 4

Use dry media (dry it yourself) Sprinkle diluted fungicide water (2gm in 1 liter water) after sowing the seeds.

Step 5

Remove the plastic as soon as the seedlings emerge, and gradually move it into the pot.

Step 9

watering as it is required. place the container in semi shaded place.


1.Tomatoes are pretty easy to look after. Make sure you water them well once or twice a week during hot and dry weather and give them a boost of liquid fertilizer every three or four weeks. If you live in an area that gets very dry summers, it is a good idea to mulch around the plants with a thick layer of straw to hold moisture near the roots, but make sure the mulch does not lie against the trunk.

2.Watering the plant. Do not let the water to flood in particular area. Or use sprayer to spray the water like mist.

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