How to Start Vegetable Seeds Indoors
Vegetable seeds indoor
Make sure your containers have drainage holes. You can use recycled pots -- yogurt containers, for example, but be sure to poke holes in the bottom. Plastic six-packs and flats are good choices and can be reused year after year. Biodegradable pots are fine, too.
Plant seeds at the proper depth. Check the seed packet for planting depth. You don't need to measure, but if it says "1/4" don't plant the seed an inch deep. The rule of thumb is to plant the seed two to three times as deep as it is wide. Tiny seeds should be barely covered by soil mix, while large seeds like beans should be sown about an inch deep. Sow seeds too deeply and they won't have enough stored energy to make it to the surface. Plant extra seeds because it's likely not all of them will germinate; you'll thin out the extra ones later.
Keep seed-starting mix moist. Seedling roots need both air and water. Strive to keep the mix moist but not saturated with water -- think of it as a damp sponge that contains both water and air.
After sowing, set the containers in a warm location. On top of the refrigerator or near a radiator are usually good spots. Check pots every day.
As soon as seedlings emerge, place pots in a bright location. A sunny window will do but supplemental fluorescent lights will give you the best results. Suspend the lights just an inch or two over the tops of the plants.
Cool room temperature is best. You'll get sturdier, stockier seedlings at temperatures in the high 60s. At higher temperatures seedlings may get leggy.
Begin fertilizing weekly. Use a half-strength fertilizer once the seedling has one or two sets of leaves. Organic fertilizers are a good choice since they provide a range of nutrients, including micro nutrients.
Once seedlings have two sets of leaves, it's time to thin. You want one seedling per pot, so choose the healthiest, strongest-looking seedling and snip off other seedlings at the soil line and discard them.
Use a Seeding tray -Put seeding mix then put one seed in every Cavity about 5mm deep (not too deep and not to shallow) - Cover it with seeding mix- place the seedling tray in semi shaded place.
It is best to use by mixing 2gms of fungicide in 10 liter water and spray it on the soil before sowing seeds. Or use in any plant at first time when you place in soil or re pot.
IMPORTANT WATERING USE : Use watering can for watering. By moving the water stream constantly waves the can. Do not let the water to flood in particular area. Or use sprayer to spray the water like mist.
Ø Do not sow seeds on Rainy day or in a cloudy weather
Ø You will definitely end up with nothing, wait for the bright Sunny day and clear weather
Ø Please check forecast before sowing the seeds on the following website :
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