Dolphin Seriously Injures Man

Dolphin Hospitalized 27 Year-old Man

dolphin attacks
Emergency Services On Site After Dolphin Collides...
Swimming with dolphins in Cancun and other places around Mexico isn’t just cruel it’s downright dangerous. More fuel has been added to the argument that interacting with dolphins is dangerous after a dolphin hospitalized a body boarder in New South Wales, Australia.
It is unclear if the dolphin deliberately attacked the 27 year-old man who was surfing at Bawley Point, south of Sydney. The incident could have been just an accidental collision, but if indeed the dolphin did intentionally attack the surfer, it would not be the first time.

The extent of his injuries is yet to be determined but shockingly enough; his wetsuit was split open by the sheer force of the impact. Apparently the man was on a wave when the dolphin breached out of the water and struck him in the pelvic area.

According to NSW law, swimmers are required to stay 50 meters away from dolphins.
The president of ORCCA marine research group Ronny Ling said that “Dolphin ramming’s reported in NSW in the past usually occurred when people tried to interact with the unpredictable animals”. He also added that “Dolphins can always miscalculate’’ and that “Dolphins have killed people overseas in the past, we’ve had a lot of cases lately of people trying to hold on to dolphins, that’s what they don’t like ’’

Tourists Swimming With Dolphins 

swim with dolphins cancun
Dolphin Discovery Ignores Risks To Its Customers
Tourists swimming with dolphins in Cancun and other popular destinations around Mexico are encouraged to touch, ride, and hold on to dolphins despite the obvious cruelty to the animal.
Despite the dangers, "swim with dolphin" parks in Cancun such as Dolphin Discovery pull in nearly 200 people every day. These paying customers are all anxious to ride highly frustrated dolphins that have been performing for almost 10 hours non-stop.

Blood On Their Hands

Dolphin Discovery kick started the whole industry in Mexico by herding wild dolphins with the use of dynamite into coves where they could be easily netted and dragged aboard small fishing boats. The process was so violent that for every one dolphin successfully captured and introduced into captivity, 17 dolphins died. The dead or mortally injured dolphins were thrown back into the ocean, usually washing up onshore a day later.

Dolphin Discovery now claim to provide dolphins with world class care and even go as far to say that captive dolphins enjoy living inside swimming pools. It goes without saying that Dolphin Discovery have no qualms about endangering the lives of tourists to keep raking in the huge profits that they amass annually.
swim with dolphins in cancun
Don´t Support Captivity
To be fair Dolphin Discovery isn’t the only company providing tours that allow people to swim with dolphins in Cancun and other places around Mexico. Delphinus World, and Dolphinaris also provide zero warnings about the health risks of interacting with marine mammals or the blatant dangers of interacting with large captive dolphins.
The real threat of danger posed by interacting with captive dolphins is too often over-looked. Tour operators such as TUI´s and Virgin Holidays have changed their stance on promoting “swim with dolphin” tours based upon the poor conditions of Dolphinaris, and Dolphin Discovery facilities and the cruelty to the animals themselves. Surprisingly enough none of these well-established tour operators touched upon the danger of swimming with dolphins in captivity or the health risks involved. Either way if you are on vacation and want to swim with dolphins in Cancun, you should strongly reconsider based upon these three factors of animal cruelty, health risks, and physical danger.

Interacting With Captive Dolphins Is Dangerous

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