It Must be the Twinkies

I told our swim coach that I was pregnant since we have a swim meet next week that I won't be participating in after having trained for it the past few months. We dive start off the blocks and part of the meet is 100 fly and I am making the decision to participate in swimming class for fitness and not for racing while I'm pregnant. I had built up some fitness for the meet so it has been difficult in class to back off suddenly. I could do the swim meet by starting off the wall and just cruising but that would likely cause attention to me and distract people. I think I'll just sit on the bench during the meet and eat Twinkies.

Coach was happy for our news and I told him I might be getting bigger over the next several months. He said, "People are going to think you've been eating a lot of Twinkies ha ha." I liked that so much I've decided that if anyone asks me if I'm pregnant I'm going to shake my head and tell them I am addicted to Twinkies and I can't stop eating.

Today is yoga class, I've missed the past two weeks while we were out of town and last week I was at the Dr. during class. I'm not sure how yoga class will go now that I'm nauseated, I really hope I don't fall over or pass out. I think I'll be doing a lot of "Child's Pose" during class while everyone else is doing head stands.

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