Drug DETOX : How It Helps

Addiction is a kind of physiological disorder that permanently alters the brain of the addicts. There are some neurological processes that are responsible for the cravings like food, sex and other things are responsible for drug cravings in habitual drug addict. It is therefore necessary that the addicts are weaned off drugs before they engage themselves in the treatment programs. The rehab clinics across the world use different methods to treat the patients, but every addict need to undergo through a process of drug detox.

Detoxification is bit painful and difficult, but it is critical. Addicts remain physically dependent on the drugs cannot use their mental, emotional and spiritual faculty to the therapy- even if they desire to. Here are some things that people experience after drug detox treatment


The rehab patients are tested in order for the clinicians to determine the amount of harmful substance that is present in the body. Once the initial assessment is made, doctors decide for how long the detox process will be carried on and the medications that are critical.

Drug Deprivation

The sole purpose of the detoxification is to wean addicts off the drugs. So, the most crucial part of this process is to ensure whether the addicts stop consuming their addictive substances. Under the constant supervision of doctors at specialized facilities the addicts are deprived of the drugs that are the major source of disapproval.
Most of the addicts undergo withdrawal symptoms as the body cravings remain unfulfilled, physically, they may experience the symptoms like sweating, increased heart palpitations, nausea and vomiting. Other symptoms include depression, isolation, reduced focus and panic. Unfortunately, the pain of withdrawal is the first step for drug recovery.
Rapid Detox
The traditional detoxification method can last for up to two weeks. Especially, severe addictions like that of opiates- it can also lead to dangerous symptoms like seizures and strokes. To mitigate these risk, some addiction specialist have started to administer the opiate blockers and other drugs that is designed to quicken the process of detox. The patients can experience withdrawal symptoms that can be really painful, rapid detox patients are anesthetized.
Post Withdrawal Symptom
Most of the addicts report the symptoms of acute withdrawal or PAWS. These symptoms are less severe in contrast to those experiences during the process of withdrawal, but it still poses the threat to the long- term recovery. Some of the symptoms include anxiety, depression, and physical - pain and compromised mental abilities that lead addicts to resort to self medication and sometimes it results in relapse. Thankful to many rehab clinics that are beginning to concentrate on PAWS treatment as an important component of drug rehab programs.

Last but not the least; detox remove the addicts from the physical dependencies on drugs, but it cannot eliminate the cravings all together. The neurological changes are permanent and even patients who are sober feel urge to return to the old habits.
About Author:
Tina is a freelance writer who writes on different topics such as travelling, beaches and social media. Her famous articles includes article on drug detox. She loves to travel and make new friends.


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