
Make yourself aware about the causes, symptoms and types of rosacea. Know about treatment for rosacea and how to avoid rosacea.

Many people go through emotional trauma and turmoil when they face skin disorders. Even a small pimple is enough to break the confidence of the most confident person. 
Skin disorders like eczema, acne, pimples are curable and preventable. One of the many skin problems is Rosacea. It is a serious skin disorders which can be treated and prevented. Though people have a tough time coping with skin disorders some people are exception to it. How can we forget Bill Clinton and J. P. Morgan? Both of them faced rosacea and were able to overcome it. 

Rosacea is a skin disease which is common amongst white-skinned people mainly from north-western Europe. It mainly affects the face but sometimes it can be seen on neck, chest and eyes also. Sometimes it may resemble acne. Flushing and redness are the most significant signs of rosacea. Anyone can get affected by rosacea. It is mostly observed amongst the people within age group of 30 to 50. To understand rosacea better continue reading.

Causes of rosacea 

The exact cause of rosacea cannot be defined as research on this topic is still in progress. Here is the list of some common causes of rosacea. 

Medication and drugs 

It can be caused due to infection resulting form intake of some 
medicines and drugs. Medicines consisting amiodarone or nitroglycerine are mainly responsible for such type of infection. Both the components are used in medicines prescribed for coping with heart disorders. Some steroids can also induce rosacea. 


Stress is one of the causes which can trigger rosacea. It cannot be considered as a key cause but it affects some people. Mostly it can result because of stress due to physical hard work. 

Food, alcohol and beverages 

Spicy food alcoholic drinks and beverages like tea, coffee that contain caffeine can trigger rosacea. This is because spicy food, some alcoholic drinks and hot beverages cause redness of skin responsible for rosacea. 

Beauty treatments 

Sometimes wrinkle and acne treatments like chemical peels,microdermabrasion can cause redness resulting in the occurrence of rosacea. It can be a result of excessive stretching of skin during beauty treatments 

Immunological disorders 

Immunological disorders like detection of anti-nuclear antibodies in the bloodstream can be responsible for rosacea. HIV infected person can be more prone to rosacea because of the immunological factor. 

Other contributing factors of rosacea 

The factors like tough exercises, heat, sunburns, cold wind, body exposed to fluctuating temperature, ultra violate radiation, genetic factors, endocrine diseases and gastrointestinal diseases can be responsible for rosacea.

Symptoms of rosacea 

Here is a list of some commonly observed symptoms of rosacea however symptoms can differ from person to person.

  • Redness of entire face, sometimes on chest and neck 
  • Inflammation and burning sensation on facial skin 
  • Reddish pus containing bumps, white heads and blackheads occurring on face 
  • Itching and poking caused in eyes 
  • Swelling of eye lids 
  • Red lines and papules 
  • Excessive dryness of skin

Types of rosacea 

The type of rosacea faced by each individual may be different. Here are some basic types of rosacea. 

Vascular rosacea 

It is caused due to swelling of blood vessels in face. In this condition 
face becomes puffy and it feels itchy and warm. It is common in women as compared to men. 

Ocular rosacea 
It is a type of rosacea which affects eyes. In this type of rosacea red bumps are developed on the eye lids. The eyelids become scaly and swollen. It causes irritation and redness of eyes. Eyes are irritated due to light and loss of eye lashes can be observed in person suffering form ocular rosacea. However it does not affect vision. 

Pymatous rosacea 

   This type of rosacea mainly affects nose. It is also known as rhinophyma.
 It causes the nose skin to become thick and heavy. This type of thickening hardly appears on other parts of face. It is observed more in men. It is caused when rosacea is not treated for a long span of time. 

Papulopustural rosacea 

This type of rosacea resembles acne. It is often referred as acne rosacea which is not a correct term for it. Red bumps and pimples are commonly observed in person suffering form this type of rosacea. The person may also suffer from red bumpy patches on face. 

Treatments for rosacea 

Various treatments are available for controlling rosacea. It can be controlled using laser treatments, plastic surgeries, dermabrasion, drug treatment etc. It can also be treated using natural ingredients like aloe vera, green tea cream, chamomile, rose hips, apple cider vinegar, digestives enzymes and vitamin B etc.

How to avoid rosacea 

You can stay away from rosacea by taking a few precautions. Just follow some basic tips and avoid rosacea. Here's what you can do.

  • Use sunscreens and sun mask whenever you go out in during day time 
  • Avoid eating spicy and hot food 
  • Consult an expert before using any medicines or cosmetics
  • Note down the side effects before you undergo any beauty treatment 
  • Avoid hectic schedules of exercise and do not exercise during day time
If you suffer from rosacea make sure that you treat it at the earliest. It is difficult to cure rosacea but do not lose heart. You can prevent it rather than suffering from it. There is nothing other way to conclude this, than quoting the most used saying, 'Prevention is better than cure'.

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