Breaking Myths About Hair Removal

Myths about hair removal are around due to improper technique of hair removal. Here are some myth breaking facts about various hair removal techniques.

Myth is the second name of fear. When a person has a fear in mind, he or she spreads it to others through myths. Myths have the power to stop us from living a whole life. Many people hold myths in each and every thing they do in life. Same is in the case of hair removal. Technology has gifted us lots of new ways of hair removal. But many women fear using them as they are already victims of myths about hair removal. Read on to find out how a pin difference between a fact and a myth can stop you from looking your best.

Myths and facts about hair removal 

Most of the women want to get rid of 
unwanted body hair to look beautiful. Waxing, shaving and laser treatment are three most commonly used methods for hair removal. Here are some myths that women hold about these hair removal methods. You will also find some facts which will help you to break these myths. 

Hair removal by waxing 

Waxing is the best hair removal method as recommended by beauticians. Most of the women prefer waxing for hair removal purpose. It helps to remove hair from the root. Here are some myths and facts about this removal technique. 


  • There is a thick hair growth post-waxing 
  • Skin becomes rough 
  • It results in patches on the skin 
  • It is very painful

  • Waxing removes the hair completely from the root. The new hair grown is less thick than the previous hair. Regular waxing of hands and legs reduces the hair growth taking place at each time 
  • Rough skin is as a result of not taking care of skin. Proper skin care regime like exfoliation, massaging should be followed regularly pre and post-waxing 
  • Waxing is a chemical free method of hair removal. So there are no chances of patches or marks resulting from it 
  • The pain experienced is not the same for all women. Some may experience pain and some may not. It is not extremely painful. It may depend on the thickness of the hair and skin type.

Hair removal by shaving 

Shaving is the easiest and quickest way of hair removal used by women and girls who desperately want to be in minis. Have a quick look at the myths and facts about hair removal by shaving 

Myths about shaving legs
  • It results in hair-ingrowths 
  • It makes the skin more darker 
  • It is good to shave on dry skin 
  • It is good to use soap instead of shaving cream 
  • It gives a clean shave if exerted more pressure while shaving
Facts about shaving legs
  • If shaving is done in right direction and in right manner it does not cause hair ingrowths. Shaving should be done using a proper and good shaving gel. The skin should be properly massaged with good lotion after every shaving session 
  • Shaving does not make skin darker. It can be concluded after observing the facial skin of men. Men shave regularly and it is hardly observed that they have any dark skin or patch caused due to shaving 
  • It is very bad to shave on dry skin. Shaving done on wet skin helps to avoid burns and hair ingrowths 
  • Soap is used for cleaning the skin. Most of the soaps make skin dry and makes it difficult and risky to shave on such skin 
  • Exerting more pressure on skin through razor may cause cuts and burns on skin. It is always better to shave with lighter and softer razor strokes

Laser hair removal 

Laser hair removal is most efficient way of hair removal. It is fast becoming popular amongst women. Let's burst myths about laser hair removal treatment. 

Myths about laser hair removal
  • It is an unsafe method of hair removal 
  • Laser hair removal is permanent 
  • It is very painful 
  • It is not suitable for dark skin 
  • It is an expensive treatment 
  • It requires continuous treatment
Facts about laser hair removal
  • Laser hair removal treatment only targets the removal of hair on the skin. It does not harm the skin but can cause mild irritating sensation 
  • There is no such hair removal method which can permanently remove hair 
  • It does not hurt in most of the cases. Many of the new laser treatments used for the hair removal are pain free. The pain caused may be a result of sensitivity of skin. so you should find out regarding the sensitivity of your skin before undergoing such treatment 
  • Laser treatment can be undertaken successfully on any skin colour. Laser treatment is suited even on darkest skin 
  • It require very few sessions as compared to regular waxing sessions. Even though is expensive, it is cost effective as compared to waxing
  • It requires only 4-5 sessions for the complete hair removal treatment
All the myths about hair removal arise out of improper techniques used for hair removal. Before using any hair removal technique you should be aware of its side effects also. By knowing all the facts about hair removal now, you can prevent its side effects and get beautiful skin.

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