I'll get you, you wascaly wabbit!

Liam loves looking at this quilt made by my friend Sarah while we change his diaper. I love the colors!

We made a trip up to Ikea on Saturday so we could finally outfit the baby's room. We removed the bed I had been sleeping in last weekend so we had space for actual baby stuff. A trip to Ikea was a great idea, except were sleep deprived, Ikea is an hour and a half drive away and we have a baby who doesn't like his car seat but details details!
Besides staring dumbly at each other while people swirled around us in the store, we did manage to make some decent decisions at Ikea and once we got home, instead of napping like the baby was doing, we scrambled to put the furniture together and set up his room in yet another marathon session. We will never learn. Ever.

Today I actually left the house and rode the bike trainer with the girls and then we had a couple over that are newly pregnant so we could show them the ropes. Now Bill and Sunny are watching football (recorded) and I'm pouting because I want to watch the Golden Globes to see all the pretty dresses but I've been trumped. boooo

Tomorrow I have childcare in the morning and no work to go to! What marathon session can I get ramped up on?

The many storage options you can get at Ikea!
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