Early in the morning....

With summer in full swing we have to work in the garden early in the morning to avoid the heat. At 6 a.m. the garden has its fresh look and it is my favorite time to peep under leaves to see what is growing. This morning I found...


Sweet potatoes having recovered from a brutal overhaul by the chickens....

Our Ghost-Rider pumpkin which we planted in the compost heap in November...

We then dug out one batch of potatoes which should do us for 2 weeks and planted cabbage in their place. The radishes that we planted last week are up.

Broccoli and cauliflower went into the other free bed.

I pulled the last carrots (will have to plant more soon!), picked the prolific beans and all these cucumbers....

By 9 am we were done, but there was still weeding to be done, the sun was too hot, so we called it a day.

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