Why do you call it Irish Stew, Mom?

We had rain all morning so I couldn't get into the veggie garden until late afternoon.

Besides for pulling up lots of weeds, we added our compost to two areas to prepare them for potatoes.

I also put cutworm collars (toilet rolls) around all my beans and squash that have just come up.


Then we did the fun thing...looked to see what we had to eat. This is what we found:

A lovely firm head of frilly cabbage....some potatoes...leeks....carrots and celery (not in the picture).

So at supper time Incredible Hulk asks: "Why do you call it Irish Stew, Mom?"

My anwser, well the Irish Catholics had so many children they had to stretch their food with veggies, particularly potatoes. So we had 500g of organic beef tonight with lots of homegrown veggies.

The cabbage went into my sisters farmhouse cabbage recipe: Melt butter, fry onions, fry shredded cabbage. Add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, lots of black pepper and caraway seeds. Yum!

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