
Become aware about eczema. Know about the causes and symptoms of eczema. Learn about different types of eczema and how to avoid it.

Every one likes to have soft and shiny 
skin. But sometimes skin may develop problems. When your skin starts itching, thickening and getting red it may be a case of eczema. It is a kind of skin disorder. It can be very irritating to look at and have it on the skin but you can surely get rid of it and avoid it. It can be because of food allergies or substance allergies. It may keep coming and going. Read on to cope better with eczema.

Causes of eczema 

Eczema can affect individuals of any age group. One of the many reasons can be improper functioning of immune system. Exposure of 
skin to a particular type of cream, cosmetic, soap, detergent, cloth or even because of changes in the temperature can also cause eczema. Sometimes it may even occur because of extreme stress. It can occur on any part of body but it mostly occurs on hands, neck and face. A few causes of eczema are known, the main cause that triggers eczema is still under study.

Symptoms of eczema 

Each individual facing eczema may observe different symptoms. However here are some commonly noticed symptoms.

  • Excessive dryness of skin
  • Excessive itching and redness in skin
  • Scaly skin
  • Thickening and crustiness in skin
  • Blistering and burning of skin

Types of eczema 

Eczema may show different symptoms in different individuals and it may also be of a different type. Understanding different types of eczema may help identify the problem. Here are some commonly observed types of eczema.

Atopic eczema 

It is also known as atopic dermatitis. It is recurring in nature. It is mostly found in people who are prone to 
allergies because of genetic problems. It occurs mostly on the areas of face, ears, neck and on the surface of feet and elbow. It mostly affects babies but it can be found in adults and teenagers also.

Contact dermatitis 

It occurs when skin comes in contact with the substance any substance an individual may be allergic to. It is known as allergic contact dermatitis. It is caused when 
skin is in constant touch with soap, sweat, urine, saliva and even water. 

The other contact dermatitis is known as irritant contact dermatitis. It is caused due to the direct contact of the skin irritant. It can be because of the use of body sprays, cosmetics, perfumes, creams etc.

Varicose eczema 

It generally occurs on lower legs. It should be treated at an earliest. If not treated it may turn in to 
ulcers. Symptoms like mild irritation of skin near ankle can be observed in the beginning. It is caused as a result of improper blood circulation.

Hand eczema 

It is somewhat similar to atopic eczema. It occurs only on the hands. It is as a result of allergies. It may be caused due to the use of strong detergents and soaps on hands.


It is also known as seborrhea dermatitis. It is a kind of greasier rash developed on skin. It normally occurs on face and 

Discoid eczema 

It looks like many coin-shaped patches on skin. These patches are red in appearance. It is caused mostly to the adults. It occurs mainly on the arms and legs.

Lichen simplex chronicus 

It is caused due to frequent scratching or rubbing the 
skin. Continuous scratching and rubbing the skin makes it thicker and rougher. The more you scratch the more it develops.

Nummular eczema 

It may be caused due to the minor injuries like insect bite or 
burn etc. It is mostly observed in men than in women and children. It is like circular patches on skin and dry skin is more exposed to such risk.

Asteatotic eczema 

It is mostly found in old people. It is a result of dry skin and affects lower legs. Men are more prone to this type of eczema than women. It is caused due to dehydration of skin, malnutrition and constant contact with soap or detergent.

Stasis dermatitis 

Its symptoms can be seen with advancing age. It is as a result of reduced blood circulation in lower legs. It may lead to darkening of skin, red bumps, itching and ankle soars. It is long term and requires proper treatment even after it is cured.

How to avoid eczema 

Here are some tips which will help you avoid eczema. You should be strict while following these tips as prevention is always better than cure.

  • Avoid rubbing or scratching the skin when it becomes red
  • Avoid overuse of detergents and soaps especially on red and itchy skin
  • Stay away from the things which can cause allergies
  • Use gloves to protect your skin from allergic products
  • Avoid eating high mineral content food like ginger and onion
  • Avoid eating nuts, especially cashew nuts you are likely to face eczema
  • Stay away from cold and dry climate
Consult a physician if you frequently suffer from eczema. You can also identify and avoid the food which can cause allergies. Make sure that you consume a balanced diet under an expert’s supervision.

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